use of ps command in Linux rad hat without any options (-ef, -aux or a), what is the result will be list (PID TTY TIME CMD only)? Can I use ps alone for investigate the executed machine on which the command was entered with maintenance program that been run at the current machine? What is the define level for a rogue processes in a system? By using TOP ccommand, will be better for investigating system rogue matters? Pls advise :)

Just tried it. The output shows the command, tty pid and the time for the current terminal only. I did it in term 1 on my desktop and it only listed the shell that I was using and the ps command itself.

Hope that answers your question. Oh yeah, and top is mentioned in the man page as well. :)

Read the:
manpage for ps ("man ps")
info page for ps ("info ps")

I know that it's a n00b question but I don't understand how to use the rwx command...i don't remember the exact command ?yeah..the command that we use to change the level of access to a file(root,group,others)...i saw an example but found that too complicated.

If you want to change permissions on a file, the command to use would be chmod. To change ownership of a file/directory, you'd use the chown command.

Try "man chown" and "man chmod" for the manpage entries for both commands. You can also do a search using apropos to search the manpages that contain information on these (or any other) commands ($ apropos chmod)

I found a pretty good tutorial that explains this in greater detail, as well as covers other things such as umnask, sticky bits, etc. here:

Hope this helps! (Sorry if I misunderstood the original question)

You need to start a new thread for your questions, as they have nothing to do with the ps command, as originally asked by walker.

Drive repartitioning and file permissions have nothing to do with ps...

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