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i try to complile fcgiwrap from on solaris 10 platform

however i got this error msg

# make
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -O2 -g3 fcgiwrap.c -o fcgiwrap -lfcgi
ld: fatal: library -lfcgi: not found
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to fcgiwrap
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [fcgiwrap] Error 1

any idea how to fix it? thanks.

First check to see if you have a libfcgi install via any packages already:

grep libfcgi /var/sadm/install/conents

If grep finds anything you should try to use the command line option "-R" to set the runtime shared library path to the directory that contains the libfcgi.*so* shared library. See "man ld" for details on the "-R" option even though you need to pass "-R" to gcc since gcc runs ld for you.

If grep doesn't find anything you need to install a libfcgi. Possible source of this are:

1. the Sun Solaris 10 companion CD or DVD. Check the sun web sites that you get Solaris 10 from for this. It might also be available via Package name is SUNWfcgi

2. OpenCSW or Blastwave. Use a search engine to locate them. The package is CSWfastcgi and I'm inclined to believe that Blastwave has it but OpenCSW does not.

3. Sunfreeware see I don't know the package name if any.

4. source code

Even after installing libfcgi you will still need "-R" as above.

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