Can I use DSL with Linux?? I don't have it yet, but I am doing some research. I know that with Windows 2000, you needed to down load WinPoet. Is this the case with Linux? if so, what is the fix. Thanks. :?:

I'm sure that where there's a will, there's a way to connect a DSL line to Linux. Unfortunately, I've connected my Linux box to a dial-up modem, a cable modem, and a home network, but never DSL. So I'm not exactly sure of how it's done.

I use RedHat linux ... and I just went to the site and did a search for DSL and came up with this:

Apparently it's a tutorial about how to install DSL on a RedHat linux box. I skimmed through it and it looks pretty informative, so hopefully it'll be of some help to you, even if you don't plan on using RedHat's distribution.

I did a search for "linux dsl" on google, and came up with a whole bunch of stuff. So apparently it's very possible.

Hope this helps!

- Dani :D

Thanks for the info. I'll take a look at it, and let you know.

Eric ;)

Sounds good! Let me know if this was helpful. I just got finished with the fall semester (a.k.a. finals week hell) so I have a bit of time now to help out and do some research.

Thanks for the information it did help, it can be used with ISDN, cable, DSL and others, and it's easy to instal. Thanks again.

:D Eric

No prob! Glad I was able to help you ... if you have any other Linux questions please ask ... I've been playing with the OS for quite some time now and am really getting into it.

If your DSL ISP has dhcp...
just type dhcpcd or dhclient eth0 and it will autoconfigure.

(most distributions do it automatically with install now)

If not, you could manually enter the information in a distribution setup.

or you could use ifconfig yourself
man ifconfig for help

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