If you are looking to host hundreds of small websites out of which most of them are static, then which would u consider as your server

Intel Xeon 3040 (Dual Core)
1 GB DDR Memory
250 GB Hard Drive
1,500 GB Bandwidth


Intel Xeon 3110 (Dual Core)
4 GB DDR Memory
2 X 250 GB Hard Drive
1,500 GB Bandwidth

If you are looking to host hundreds of small websites out of which most of them are static, then which would u consider as your server

Intel Xeon 3040 (Dual Core)
1 GB DDR Memory
250 GB Hard Drive
1,500 GB Bandwidth


Intel Xeon 3110 (Dual Core)
4 GB DDR Memory
2 X 250 GB Hard Drive
1,500 GB Bandwidth


I would go with this system:

Intel Xeon 3110 (Dual Core)
4 GB DDR Memory
2 X 250 GB Hard Drive
1,500 GB Bandwidth

4GB of memory will be enough to keep Linux from having to use the swap partition and mirrored hard drives gives you redundancy for hard drive failures.

Yes, i have gone with the second config.. and have asked my provider to make the second drive as the backup one.. is it the same as mirrored?

Mirrored means that everything that is written to the first drive is written milliseconds later to the second drive. It is like having a continuous backup that is current up to the second. This way if the first drive fails the second drive is an exact copy. You lose a little speed when writing to the drives due to accessing both drives but you gain in the fact that if a drive fails you have little or no down time.
Using it as a backup disk if your primary drive fails your data is only current up to your last backup. You have to have a new primary drive with the OS installed and then restore the last backup to get your sites running again. That can take a few hours with all of the sites down. If the backup is corrupt or a week old you will have angry clients.

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