Hi, I have a Windows box connected to a Linux box and they both share the Internet. H can I get my Linux box to see my Windows files and how do I configure my printer on the Linux box? Thanks

have to install samba on you Linux computer.samba is a software that allows you to connect a Linux computer to a Windows using NetBIOS to share folders and drives between both OS.almost every Linux distribution comes with samba, but if you don't have it, download from: http://www.samba.org/.

once u installed it , u can connect to your windows box using this command
smbclient -L \\COMPUTER -I 198.168.x.x <---- windows ip
by this u will be able to see the shared folders in the win box.

oh..for the printer , if u runing redhat/fedora try the printtool command,and click on "New", u will get a set up wizard, for suse , use the yast2 command.


Thanks, Is there any recommended books for troubleshooting Linux? :lol::lol:

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Thanks, Is there any recommended books for troubleshooting Linux? :lol::lol:

The book I've almost worn out is

A Practical Guide to Linux
by Mark G. Sobell

once u installed it , u can connect to your windows box using this command
smbclient -L \\COMPUTER -I 198.168.x.x <---- windows ip
by this u will be able to see the shared folders in the win box.

Or you can use smbmount (or mount -t smbfs) //path/to/shared/dierctory /local/mountpoint {any options here}

Notice that FORWARD slashes are used under *nix. Backslashes are used for an entirely different thing.

If you have entries in your /etc/hosts file, or a working local DNS server, you can use the machine name instead of IP for mounting remote directories.

man smbmount
man mount
man smbclient

suggestion install that NT HDD into the *NIX box then it will show up on the *nix desktop (root) as /Windows/c

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