in linux installation, which of these options(Advanced,Expert,Selective,Custom) allows you to select only the packages needed to suit your computing needs?

Can't tell. Probably "Custom", but each distro has it's own installer.
If you really want to select all your modules, try Gentoo. Caution: not newbie friendly..

in linux installation, which of these options(Advanced,Expert,Selective,Custom) allows you to select only the packages needed to suit your computing needs?

Which distro offers this selection?

You didn't mention what Distro you are using. Different Distro has their own way of selecting software. Like I use Ubuntu and they have Ubuntu Software center. What is your need exactly?

in linux installation, which of these options(Advanced,Expert,Selective,Custom) allows you to select only the packages needed to suit your computing needs?

All the major distributions of Linux come with a standard base of packages. Ubuntu, openSuse, Fedora, Mepis, PcLinuxOS, Mandriva, etc. If you just want a base install and add what you want as you go along then you will need some Linux knowledge ahead of time. Debian, ArchLinux, Slackware and Gentoo are good distributions for this. Debian would be the easiest of those.


Im brand new to linux. Actually Im less than new. Ive been playing around with ebox with the goal of using it as a server and to set up a vpn connection. So i have an old machine and running the instal. I remember i have a nic i want to put in and i unplug the machine before the instal is completed. It wont boot anymore. Processor fan is spinning and im getting power to the board but nothing. Is this the end of the system?

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