hey friend i need some help here since i'm new to ubuntu(to linux also)...this is the problem.

i installed wine on ubuntu 10.04 and install c-free 4.1 .The installation is completed with no errors.and c-free is working perfectly except its unable to output any thing to terminal.Is there any way to solve this?(or a software same to c-free working with ubuntu) please pay your kind attention to this guys.
thank you in advance

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Why don't use just use g++/gcc with a text editor... Or something like eclipse.

yeah! i gonna try eclipse.thanx for the tip..

I have install eclipse.but it seems like a java editor not C. so i'm going to try CodeLite.However thanks a lot guys.

oh! god help me..i'm on another problem..i have installed Anjunta IDE and no problem with installation.when i try to execute my program theres a error massage " Program '/home/sudheera/c/puts.o' does not have execution permission".
what does it mean.my account is the only one in this computer and i think it have administrator privileges.i'm using 10.04.please anyone can help me...?

Hello download CodeLite and use it, it is specifically designed for C/C++ with focus only on that. As per your problem, where did you put project files?
try this:
create folder under Home that is
cd and press return key
then cd Documents/
mkdir Projects
cd Projects/
mkdir CandC++
then when creating new workspace in codelite, create it under /home/your_name/Projects/CandC++/workspace_name


or Just chmod the projects directory to 777
that is:
sudo chmod 777 folderName/

i chmod the directory to 777 but problem still not solved.what can i do??

Hello download CodeLite and use it, it is specifically designed for C/C++ with focus only on that. As per your problem, where did you put project files?
try this:
create folder under Home that is
cd and press return key
then cd Documents/
mkdir Projects
cd Projects/
mkdir CandC++
then when creating new workspace in codelite, create it under /home/your_name/Projects/CandC++/workspace_name


thanks for the advice..codelite works perfectly... thanks friend.

Eclipse is not only made for Java Development...

It is having completely separate package for development under C/C++ environment.
It is called CDT (C/C++ Development Toolkit).

Download the latest version of Eclipse for C/C++ developers.

Anywaz, tommorrow is the release for the new version Helios;) (u will get CDT 7.0).
Give it a try....


Sure, Eclipse is made modular but CL was designed specifically for C/C++ so it outperforms and eclipse. Plus CodeLite is coded in C/C++ and Eclipse in Java ;)

thanks guys..

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Or you could use code blocks.

Personally, why have an IDE for c++/c.

This is linux, why aren't you using vi with g++ from the command line!

Or you could use code blocks.

Personally, why have an IDE for c++/c.

This is linux, why aren't you using vi with g++ from the command line!

For small projects I agree. But for Big project, it becomes tedious. For example with CL you have completion, refactoring, automatic add include, code beautification, SVNing, GUI and many others...So then it boils down to personal convenience

Or you could use code blocks.

Personally, why have an IDE for c++/c.

This is linux, why aren't you using vi with g++ from the command line!

yeah!i'm using command line.but i needed gui.because i used to use cfree when i'm using windows.now i'm totally ubuntu.Still learning(With u guys help).

With CodeLite you do it in Ubuntu and Windows and Mac.
and you can export makefiles for your project. Iam not PR for CL though ;)

Sure, Eclipse is made modular but CL was designed specifically for C/C++ so it outperforms and eclipse. Plus CodeLite is coded in C/C++ and Eclipse in Java ;)

Being developed in Java, its having a lot of benefits too...
It is built as a plugin architecture which enables u to seamlessly add(and remove) various third party plugins (other than Eclipse own releases), thereby making it a single IDE with all ur required features.

I personally used it for embedded software development (in C) and used so many extra features like debugging tools (specific to Linux) which made it an excellent and complete package for software development.

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