Can you all tell me what control panel you are using and reason of using it?

1. cPanel
2. xPanel
3. LayeredPanel
thanks and advanced.

Used to use Plesk. Not using anything right now (thanks to my amazing sysadmins).

I use cPanel on all of my hosting servers and my private server. It has the most features and functionality. It has an interface for everyone; admins, resellers and end-users. It has been around longer than any other control panel, so the developers have had a lot of time to improve it. Their support is quality, too. My last experience with Parallels was when I used ModernBill and they bought it out. They ended up charging extra just to be able to open a support ticket with them to ask a question. I don't know if they do that for the Plesk panel or if they stopped charging extra all together.

If you decide to use cPanel, the trick is to buy servers from a company who is partnered with them can give you a good rate and knows how to support it.

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