Hi everyone

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 , I used the default burner which was installed automatically when I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 , every time I burn a CD the process ends with an error and the CD becomes unusable . Is there's any Nero burner for Ubuntu ? Or any solution for this problem??


you can find any good cd burner software for ubuntu in Ubuntu software centre.

It should be on under Tools window.

What burner software is your system running? Brasero? Have you tried changing the burning options in the tool, such as buffer size, etc? Also, when burning, you want to be sure that you aren't running much else that takes CPU or I/O (disc) cycles or you will experience the problems you have seen. I have been burning discs on Linux (Ubuntu and Red Hat) for years without problems, but I have had a few "coasters" when I forget and start running software that does disc I/O or too much CPU.

I'm using Brasero , which options should I change ??

Click on the Properties tab next to the disc selection box. That brings up the properties page. Change the speed from "Max speed" to something a couple of entries slower. Burning at the maximum speed the drive or disc can handle is usually a good way to make a coffee coaster. On my 16x drive I usually burn at 8x or 12x.

Thanks a lot

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