I was thinking of making a server (not anytime soon) but it would be VERY powerful. Basically to run a website which might or might not be as huge as I would hope, but anyway...

Since ready up on linux (I use to be on windows but hopefully soon to be completely switch to linux) I do not know why windows is even used?

Most places will give you a choice to use windows server or a form of linux and obviously windows costs quite a bit more if you use there equipment. I know because of the activation, but is windows any good compared to linux? Linux is free, never really needs to be restarted (like an update), not as prone to viruses, faster, and etc.

Is there special type of hardware needed (to support linux) or can it be adapted to almost anything?


Linux is open-source OS which support almost every type of system or partition that Windows can't so using Linux as server is very much recommended.

Used Linux unless you need a specific feature that is only available on Windows

Used Linux unless you need a specific feature that is only available on Windows

Unless you have any applications which run in .net, asp etc etc. It is always better to go with Linux servers. The main thing is Linux Servers responds faster than Windows Servers. Linux servers serve you better in mailing purpose. Linux supports all kind of third party software's. And it will cost you less only.

So how long until everyone tries the switch? Like Windows is getting to be a joke, most just use some activation and etc; apple is fairly cheap but many updates and THE COMPUTERS COST A TON, since Linux is cheap, free, runs on most if not every machine, do you think Linux will take over? Or is it too "complicated" (but I believe there are Windows-like OS's)....

So how long until everyone tries the switch? Like Windows is getting to be a joke, most just use some activation and etc; apple is fairly cheap but many updates and THE COMPUTERS COST A TON, since Linux is cheap, free, runs on most if not every machine, do you think Linux will take over? Or is it too "complicated" (but I believe there are Windows-like OS's)....

True, you'll need some linux basic to use it's server but at least it was cost less than other server OS's. Once you got the hang of using Linux server, I'm sure it'll be worth it...

Linux take over, I don't think they will at the moment because linux system are so much different from Windows and Apple which makes a computer noob quite stumped and force them to use easier and user friendly OS's...

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