I am currently using Windows 7 professional (64-bit) in my desktop. But i want to use Linux concurrently to Windows. Every time i try to install Linux using Live-CD, it gets struck in the process. I just see the Icon for a few minutes then my PC hangs. I don't know what the problem is. So, please help me.

I have tried to install Ubuntu 11.04/10.10 and Zorin 5. The same thing happens.

Also, I have every drive partitioned in NTFS System. As far as i heard linux needs the drive to be in ext3 system, am i right?

Just use Windows Virtual PC and you won't have to mess with partitioning, MBR issues, dual boots, GRUB, etc. The other OS will boot within the VPC container and it will look like just another application on your PC.

IIRC, some versions of 7 don't come with Windows Virtual PC off the shelf but you can download it as a package from MS. I did this so I could install old versions of Windows, various flavors of linux, etc.

Is that an option for you?

Just use Windows Virtual PC and you won't have to mess with partitioning, MBR issues, dual boots, GRUB, etc. The other OS will boot within the VPC container and it will look like just another application on your PC.

IIRC, some versions of 7 don't come with Windows Virtual PC off the shelf but you can download it as a package from MS. I did this so I could install old versions of Windows, various flavors of linux, etc.

Is that an option for you?

Nice idea. but to using another OS using virtual PC means that I have to boot the Main OS(in my case win 7) first, right?

If i am right about that then it's not an option for me cause i want to use Linux because Windows has a tendency of crashing and installing windows every time is so embarrassing.
And i want to use Linux as my safety boot.

but thanks for the advice.

Maybe you could try to use live-USB instead. It's much faster to install from USB rather than from CD from my experience in installing Ubuntu.

Linux can run in almost every partition given but prefer ext format for better performance but in exchange, windows would not detect your ubuntu partition and won't mount when you try to access it through windows.

NTFS also fine but Linux may have problem running on it and slower compare to ext format.

Instead of booting to live-linuxOS, when you boot live-cd or live-usb, just proceed to install immediately for faster installation but it can't update any missing files that is available through online...

Maybe you could try to use live-USB instead. It's much faster to install from USB rather than from CD from my experience in installing Ubuntu.

Linux can run in almost every partition given but prefer ext format for better performance but in exchange, windows would not detect your ubuntu partition and won't mount when you try to access it through windows.

NTFS also fine but Linux may have problem running on it and slower compare to ext format.

Instead of booting to live-linuxOS, when you boot live-cd or live-usb, just proceed to install immediately for faster installation but it can't update any missing files that is available through online...

Thanks for the advice but still it's not working...:(

change BIOS setting from AHCI to IDE and try installing again or you may have to download the 64-bit of Ubuntu...

By the way, are you downloading x84 version or x64 version of Ubuntu/Zorin?

and another question... can you give me the specific location where your installation get stuck?

change BIOS setting from AHCI to IDE and try installing again or you may have to download the 64-bit of Ubuntu...

By the way, are you downloading x84 version or x64 version of Ubuntu/Zorin?

and another question... can you give me the specific location where your installation get stuck?

ok..i'll try that...I have downloaded 64-bit of ubuntu/zorin OS.

My installation gets stuck after i select "Boot from the Live-CD" or any other options....

In Ubuntu the icon keeps rotating for a long period of time and in the case of Zorin it hangs after 10-20 minutes of selecting the option.....

I installed zorin os 5 in my hdd using another PC (i also deleted win7). But when i re-connected my hdd in my PC zorin would hang in log-in menu. So, i changed IDE to AHCI and it worked!!....

So, i was thinking that, it must have been a problem with something other than my hdd. Can motherboard or any other parts can cause any problems? or was it my win7 that was making the problem?


Windows 7 would not cause that problem. The only thing that may be the problem is BIOS setting and computer specs compability or it could be some hardware conflict like graphic card etc.. Perhaps you might need to update your BIOS or check your computer motherboard compability with Linux OS.

Windows 7 would not cause that problem. The only thing that may be the problem is BIOS setting and computer specs compability or it could be some hardware conflict like graphic card etc.. Perhaps you might need to update your BIOS or check your computer motherboard compability with Linux OS.

hmmm...i think that might be the problem.

i am currently using Gigabyte H67MA-D2H (socket 1155). No external graphics card.
and how do i check linux compatibility with my mainboard?...i didn't find a lot in google...:(

You can check it HERE but there's no compability testing for custom pc or HERE

If there's not any of your motherboard list there, I fear it might be so... You can go here for further support and post a thread with your problem. I'm sure they can attend to your problem much better than me.


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