I've just been assigned to a project looking at migrating a legacy data warehouse system (2TB+ data) from zSeries to a pSeries platform. This isn't helped by my complete lack of pSeries knowledge...

My question is- is there an easy way of comparing configurations between the 2 platforms? For instance, I know the zSeries requirements, can I convert that into pSeries requirements?

Apologies if this is a stupid question- as i say, completely new to this! :confused:

really, the best thing to do would probably be to contact an IBM consultant on this. I'm pretty certain I couldn't help with something like this. Good luck finding someone with this type of experience to advise you on a forum, too-- I'd imagine if I had experience with that type of migration, I'd be too busy to do anything but that...

I've just been assigned to a project looking at migrating a legacy data warehouse system (2TB+ data) from zSeries to a pSeries platform. This isn't helped by my complete lack of pSeries knowledge...

My question is- is there an easy way of comparing configurations between the 2 platforms? For instance, I know the zSeries requirements, can I convert that into pSeries requirements?

Apologies if this is a stupid question- as i say, completely new to this! :confused:

Did you get the help you needed on this? If not, we can assist at pSeriesTech.Org

If you did, could you please post the process you went through in sizing the environment. I have the opposite problem. I know pSeries very well, but have little zSeries/zOS experience except for a little understanding of Unix System Services in zOS.

I'd really be interested in learning from your experiences. Did you come up with a method for translating MIPS to CPU rPerfs?

Fred Sherman
Where pSeries professional gather

Did you get the help you needed on this? If not, we can assist at pSeriesTech.Org

If you did, could you please post the process you went through in sizing the environment. I have the opposite problem. I know pSeries very well, but have little zSeries/zOS experience except for a little understanding of Unix System Services in zOS.

I'd really be interested in learning from your experiences. Did you come up with a method for translating MIPS to CPU rPerfs?

Fred Sherman
Where pSeries professional gather

I didn't get far with this at all- as it happened the project was shelved soon after I posted the original message (priorities changed somewhat), however it's going to be resurrected.

Any help you can give is still very much appreciated!


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