Hi everyone, i would warmly appreciate any help from this forum as it has really thought me a lot.
I've set ubuntu as the default OS in a dual boot using easyBCD with time set to 0sec.
however i can no longer boot into windows since it's bootloader is configured to load grub as default.
Is there anyway to tell Grub to boot Windows or otherwise is there a way to get around it.
I just want to boot into Windows.
Any help please.


My name is Deepa and I work for the Social Media and Community Team at Dell. Please go to safe mode and then you need to right click on my computer and go to properties and then advanced tab and you need to change the 0 to 30 again. This will start giving you options to choose windows.

In order to help you better please reply with the system model number and the operating system (Windows XP, Vista or 7)

Thanks and Regards
Dell Social Media Responder

First, try to just hold down the F8 key as you boot (before the windows bootloader), and that should get you into the windows bootloader, and you should at least be able to boot windows in safe mode and then do the change to make the timeout higher than 0!

Your grub menu should have an entry for Windows (it's added by default). If not, then add it with these instructions and you should be able to select it in the grub menu (usually one of the last entries in the menu).

If this fails for some reason, use a windows recovery disk and use bcdedit command line commands to change the timeout. You could also do a "repair" of the mbr to put the original windows bootloader, then you'll just have to redo the EasyBCD part (and don't set the timeout to 0 seconds this time).

Please how do i run bcdedit as an administrator from the recovery disk

followed Mike's Instructions and worked perfectly.
I just had to run bcd edit from the command line.

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