I already install openmeetings (webinar) and I unable to upload file correctly. HTTP: 500 - that's the error.
Can anyone help me fix this error?
Someone told me that I might be mapping the path incorrectly. This is the path that I have so far:
SWFTools Path: /openmeetings/swftools/swftools-0.9.2/
SoX Path : /usr/lib64/sox
JOD : /opt/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib
Imagemagick : /usr/local/bin/convert
ffmpeg : /usr/bin/ffmpeg
openoffice : /usr/lib/red52/webapps/openmeetings/docs/
Is there anyway to change the path simply by editing the file in the folder?
If I have to reinstall it - what's the correct path?
Also, which file might cause the error?
Thanks before.