I have an older Toshiba Satellite laptop with Linux Mint OS installed. It pretty old and it's starting to show as it's getting slower. It's got a bigger screen and it's even got the num pad on the right of the keyboard in addetion to the numbers at the top. I thought about getting a new one but this has been a good computer and it's built very sturdy, I worked at Best Buy for about 6 months and I didn't see many built this sturdy. So I thought I might just put a few new parts in it to start with, maybe start with a processor and RAM and then maybe later an SSD and a new battery. Anyway here's the specs after running inxi, can someone please tell me what I need to be looking for concerning hardware, I'd like to get what's compatible with this computer and Linux but I'd like to up the specs a little with both the CPU and the RAM. Thanks.
developer@mint-laptop ~ $ inxi
CPU~Dual core AMD Turion X2 Mobile RM-72 (-MCP-) clocked at Min:1050.000Mhz Max:2100.000Mhz Kernel~3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Up~25 min Mem~1108.3/2764.4MB HDD~250.1GB(4.8% used) Procs~167 Client~Shell inxi~2.1.28