Hi, I'm a recent convert to linux after years of using Windows. If anyone can advise re connecting to the internet using ubuntu then I would be very grateful. Ubuntu doesn't find the modem at all but I've been browsing the help files and forums and thanks to a helpful reference http://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto I have used sudo pppconfig to set up a connection. The modem dialed out ok and connected to the ISP. But came back with an error message and I couldn't use the connection.
I left the section 'enter the IP number for your primary nameserver' blank since this didn't mean much to me. I suppose this is where I went wrong (this question wasn't covered in the instructions for some reason).
I know it's possible to get this working but am not sure what to do next.
Ubuntu sure looks better than windows 2000 !
Thanks in advance for checking this out.
Update: went to xtra webpage and got DNS settings for their servers then redid pppconfig to include IP address. Result - I'm writing this from Ubuntu. Only took a few days. Next - increasing the screen resolution. I like what Stephen Bucaro wrote about this 'unfotunately, with Linux things are not so easy'. Going offline now. My partner has given up on me and gone to bed...