
I am trying to install an rpm in Fedora 8. I tried installing in both the terminal and the "software installer" app in GUI. But, in both the places, it was giving the same below "Missing Dependency error":

error: Failed dependencies:
        kernel-sourcecode is needed by gds_cisco_vpn_client-2.0-11rhel4.i386

whats this kernel-sourcecode stuff? How to resolve this?

Thanks in advance for lookin at his post....:)

yum install kernal-sourcecode

I think that should do it. Or find it in your package manager.

yum install kernal-sourcecode

I think that should do it. Or find it in your package manager.

hi linux,

i tried the above command but it gave the below output:

[root@localhost ~]# yum install kernal-sourcecode
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
No package kernal-sourcecode available.
Nothing to do
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root

Could u plz advise on this..


yum install kernel-source


yum install kernel*

You don't want to use the wildcard * because you'll get MANY packages installed.

yum search kernel* and choose the needed package

Exactly, but you don't want to install kernal*


commented: sharp eyes :) +14

Well I'm sorry for misspelling something. We're all human, and we don't need snobby fixes to our spelling. A simple "It's kernel with an 'e', not an 'a'." would have been nice.

>A simple "It's kernel with an 'e', not an 'a'." would have been nice.

Well, sorry, but we're not obligated to give 'nice' replies in this forum. In fact, you've misspelled 'kernel' twice in this thread already -- if you'll look carefully at the OP's last post, the reason yum couldn't find the package was probably because you gave the wrong spelling. In this forum, being correct is the thing that matters. Politeness is just an afterthought. :)

if you misspell, especially in linux, you end up in KFC and not in the blissful "everything-is-working" land ;)

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