AAH. I'm gonna try as hard as possible not to use all caps and cursing in this post. This is just ticking me off.

Alright, so I upgraded to the newest AmaroK. 1.4.8. Turns out, it uses libgpod0.5.4 or something, and I need 0.6.0 to sync to my iPod.

Alright, so I uninstall the old one and leave 0.6.0 (which I already had installed from my old install, it just wasn't compiled against AmaroK).

I install AmaroK 1.4.8 from SVN sources, and it still doesn't work. Corrupted iPod database, oh joy.

So I uninstall both, and compile libgpod0.6.0 from sources, and I STILL can't install AmaroK. It basically installed libgpod0.6.0, but didn't tell my system that. So gtkpod and AmaroK won't work, and AmaroK won't even compile. Great.

So I uninstall the compiled version of libgpod0.6.0 and figure I can just install it from Synaptics again and try from there. So I try to install from there and it says libgpod0.6.0 is referred to by another package. IT DOESN'T EXIST. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW!?

So I download a libgpod0.6.0 .deb file, try to install it, and bang:

libgpod3 depends on libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.15.6); however:
  Version of libglib2.0-0 on system is 2.14.1-1ubuntu1.


So, now I'm stuck with: A corrupted database on my iPod touch (no music available, but its on the iPod). No AmaroK: I can't play any music there either.


Can ANYONE help me? John A, I know you'll post here. PLEASE.

Not that I really have any experience using AmaroK or libgpod, but I'll see what I can do...

I'd recommend doing your best to clean up your system before you start. If you've got any sort of GTKpod/libgpod/AmaroK-related thing in your package manager, remove it. Delete said programs that you installed from source, so there's no trace of them on your system. Then, do

$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude upgrade

Which will, of course, upgrade all your packages to the latest version. Make sure your system is working as it should, and if so, proceed on with installing libgpod.

Go to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=67873 and download libgpod 0.6.0. Compile it, install it, and make sure everything went okay.

Next, go to http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download:Source and download the 1.4.8 tarball linked there. There's a nice compilation guide, so I won't go over that. However, make sure that you don't forget the option in the configure script --with-libgpod . See what happens, and good luck.

Alright, AmaroK's compiling as we speak.

Can you help me with partitioning this harddrive, as well? I'm going to be downloading a GParted LiveCD to do so.

I have a 70GB hard drive with 42GB free. I want to make 2 new partitions (call one OSX and one Music), both 15GB. Then, I'd drag all 10GB of music, 100MB of pictures, and 1GB of movies from my original ext3 partition into "Music" and then use dd to dump a .img file onto the new "OSX" partition.

The image is 6GB exactly. It's a hard drive image itself. How would I do that? Just dd image.img /osx/ ?

... Alright... Back to typing from the iPod. My internet completely died out on me. I can see my networks, but I can't connect to them. It just tries and tries. The wifi switch on my laptop is ON. So much for downloading GParted tonight.

But, how can I fix this? I can't see anything online. But I can ping So it's not the card.

Aah. Bad day in my Linux life.

EDIT: Fixed up, just a reboot of my wireless AND wired router did the trick.

But, still. Partitioning and also:

alex@alex-laptop:~/Apps/Applications$ sudo dpkg -i ipod-convenience_0.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb 
Selecting previously deselected package ipod-convenience.
(Reading database ... 280671 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ipod-convenience (from ipod-convenience_0.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ipod-convenience:
 ipod-convenience depends on libgpod3; however:
  Package libgpod3 is not installed.
dpkg: error processing ipod-convenience (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

It's like libgpod isn't even installed. I need ipod-convenience to sync my iPod.

Alright, I'm gonna try this WITHOUT ipod-convenience

1. Download the 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 firmware images for your iPod Touch/iPhone

2. Open iTunes, go to your iPod's tab, and shift-click (option-click) "Restore", and select the 1.1.1 firmware image you downloaded earlier

3. Go to JailBreakMe.com in Safari on the iPod, and click the install link at the bottom

4. You now have an "Installer" application - run it, then click "Install" at the bottom; click "Tweaks (1.1.1)", then "OktoPrep", and click yes when it asks you if you want to install it

5. Open iTunes, go to your iPod's tab, and shift-click "Update" (*NOT* "Restore"), and select the 1.1.2 firmware

6. Download and run the touchfree jailbreak 1.1.2 software - tick "Enable SSH Server", change the password, and press the magic button

7. Wait a long time for it to finish, and for your iPod to reboot a few times

8. Click "Install", then "System", and "BSD Subsystem", and say yes when it asks if you're sure

9. ssh to root@your.ipod.ip.address, and edit /etc/sshd_config (nano, vi, vim are available), enabling rsa public key authentication

10. Make a passwordless rsa ssh key

11. ssh-copy-id it to your root@your.ipod.ip.address

12. restart sshd on it (from the "SSH" icon in the iPod's launcher)

13. Install fuse, sshfs-fuse, and a recent build of libgpod onto the linux machine you want to sync it with

14. sudo mkdir /mnt/ipod; sudo chmod 755 /mnt/ipod

15. Mount the iPod's media area with "sshfs root@your.ipod.ip.address:/var/root/Media /mnt/ipod"

16. cd to /mnt/ipod

17. ln -s iTunes_Control iPod_Control

18. cd iPod_Control/Device

19. sudo lsusb -v -d 05ac: | grep iSerial | awk '{print $3}' | cut -b1-16 | xargs printf "FirewireGuid: 0x%sn" > SysInfo

20. Leave /mnt/ipod

21. fusermount -u /mnt/ipod

22. Open Amarok, and open the page for configuring media devices (Settings->Configure->Media Devices)

23. Add a new iPod device, at /mnt/ipod (or /media/ipod, depending on your distribution)

24. Click the two cog wheels by your iPod in Amarok's list of Media Devices

25. In the "Pre-connect command" box, type "sshfs -o workaround=rename root@ipod.ip.addres.here:/var/root/Media /mnt/ipod" ("workaround=rename" fixes issues with album art).

26. In the "Post-connect command" box, type "fusermount -u /mnt/ipod"

27. Use Amarok's "Devices" pane to sync music to and from it - remember that you have to exit and restart the Music app on the iPod after syncing (open it, and hold down the home button until it disappears)

I'm having a bit of trouble with:

9. ssh to root@your.ipod.ip.address, and edit /etc/sshd_config (nano, vi, vim are available), enabling rsa public key authentication

10. Make a passwordless rsa ssh key

11. ssh-copy-id it to your root@your.ipod.ip.address

12. restart sshd on it (from the "SSH" icon in the iPod's launcher)

Like... What? Can someone explain this to me in English, please? How would be better :)

Okay never mind that post, now I have the same issue:

I can mount it, add tracks, remove tracks, rename tracks, etc.

But the database doesn't get updated. So I'm stuck with the "No Content" screen when I open up the Music application.

Again, an issue with libgpod3.

I honestly don't know, sorry.

The image is 6GB exactly. It's a hard drive image itself. How would I do that? Just dd image.img /osx/ ?

The basic usage for copying partitions with dd is

dd if=image.img of=/dev/hard-drive-partition

However, you can't just copy a 6 GB image to a 15 GB partition and expect it to work magically... when filesystems are created, they have a fixed size for the partition that they're created in. If you want to clone a filesystem to a larger existing one, you'll have to use something like rsync. Apparently when it's used to copy an OS X filesystem, the result is still bootable. I'll see if I can dig up the link to the blog entry I read it in.

Thank you for that.

Would you know how to switch the version of libgpod that AmaroK uses?

My iPod's firewire GUID is completely wrong. It's like 4 characters instead of 16.

The fix to it is to plug the iPod into the USB port and issue sudo lsusb -v -d 05ac: | grep iSerial | awk '{print $3}' | cut -b1-16 | xargs printf "FirewireGuid: 0x%sn" > SysInfo from /media/ipod/iPod_Control/Device However... When I plug the iPod in, lsusb doesn't even recognize it!
Can I get Ubuntu to recognize it? It DOES charge while plugged in.

Edit: More info:
From GTKpod, trying to write the database:

Couldn't find the iPod firewire ID

From the camera import thing that used to pop up when I plugged the iPod in. It comes up, but when trying to "import pictures", I get:

An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not find the requested device on the USB port'): Could not find USB device (class 0x6, subclass 0x1, protocol 0x1). Make sure this device is connected to the computer.

So basically, the USB port isn't recognizing the iPod, so I can't set the Firewire GUID.

I'm happy that I've found the issue, but still. How can I fix this?

So basically, the two things I want to do are:

1. Get my iPod to be recognized by USB by Ubuntu
2. Create two partitions, dumping a 6GB image onto a 15GB partition, making it expand to the full size of the partition.

Number 2 will actually completely get rid of my need for number 1, because then I can sync my iPod with Mac OS X instead of Linux.

But I'd still love to get #1 solved first.


>Get my iPod to be recognized by USB by Ubuntu
Can't help you there.

>Create two partitions, dumping a 6GB image onto a 15GB partition, making it expand to the
>full size of the partition.
Here's the link I was talking about earlier: http://jwz.livejournal.com/801607.html

In theory, you should be able to mount the image ( mount -t hfsplus osx.img /mnt/osx ), and then using rsync, clone the files from the mounted image to another HFS+ partition that you have already mounted, making it bootable. I've never tried it though.

I found a link for dumping the image properly. Thanks, however.

But, still. Anyone have help for an iPod? Or any device that won't be recognized in general?


Here are three dmesg outputs, one before the iPod was plugged in, one after, and one when using diff .

All attached.

As you can see, it SEES that the USB was plugged in. But, I can't see it anywhere else, even with lsusb .

How can I get it to be shown under lsusb?


Easiest way is to dist-upgrade to hardy; the latest ipods (i.e. classic) should then work (i use rhythmbox on debian sid and it works fine)

yeah my friend has good sucess with debian sid/rythmbox with his new nano, so try that

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