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Yeah I just can't do it. Help!

I tried installing eclipse and it just says error.

So I tried installing the sdk.

And did the rpm file but it just ain't working. There is no javac recognized.
What shall I do?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Thanx will try this later.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I tried to add that to the ftp but I'm not getting anywhere.

>I'm not getting anywhere.
You mean the Sun packages don't show up in YaST? What FTP URL did you add, and have you tried restarting the program first?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Well I go to yast, and type in eclipse then it says no matches found?

Then I try your link and add a java repository via an ftp address, but all come back with a not recognised warning?

Well I go to yast, and type in eclipse then it says no matches found?

Shouldn't it be eclipse-gtk? I really have no clue.

Then I try your link and add a java repository via an ftp address, but all come back with a not recognised warning?

Could you post a screenshot? For some reason, those things seem to say a million words.

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Nope eclipse-gtk bring up nothing either. It is almost as if Novell has crippled this on purpose.

I'll post a screeny asap.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Here is the error msg. It is the same for any repository i choose.

Thanx in advance.

OK, I think I know what went wrong. Try entering this:

Server name: Directory on server: opensuse/distribution/SL-OSS-stable/inst-source-java/ Good luck.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

That did the trick!

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