Last night during the Oscars, Apple debuted its first iPad commercial. Steve Jobs was even at the awards ceremony and reportedly walked the Red Carpet. The iPad is due out the first of next month and many folks have already announced plans to run out and buy one the second it's available, but is that really a smart move? The fact is this is Apple's first whack at a larger platform touch device and there are probably a lot of kinks left to be worked out. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever buy one, I'm just suggesting it might be a good idea to wait for the first refresh.
Here are five reasons you might want to wait:
1. Never buy 1.0 technology, regardless of the manufacturer.
The fact is it's never a good idea to buy 1.0 technology. The company could change the device substantially and you will be stuck with the early model. Engineers learn from their mistakes and there are always going to be issues with a first generation device. Waiting for the first revision is just prudent.
2. Wait for the camera.
You know that people are going to want to use this device for Skype-type video calls, and it just doesn't make sense to me that they would release it without a built-in camera. I know this won't be a deal killer for many champing to buy one, but if you can wait, chances are Apple will see the light and release the second revision with a camera in the summer or fall.
3. A USB port or two might be nice.
We want this device to be more than the large iPhone it currently resembles right down to the single connector to recharge or connect to a USB port. In the next iteration, maybe Apple will relent and include one or two USB ports. It will make the device all that more useful if they do.
4. The price could come down.
I know that $499 seems like an attractive price, but if it's competing as an eBook Reader or media viewing device, it's still a bit steep. People complain about the Kindle's cost at $259. Once you get past the people who have been sucked in by the Apple hype machine, Apple might find that the market isn't quite as huge as it believed, and if that's the case, the price could drop. If you wait, you might save some money.
5. The longer you hold off, the more you'll get.
One of the beautiful things about technology is that as the price goes down, functionality/power goes up. By waiting you always get more for your money. If you want one, you have to pull the trigger at some point, but the longer you can delay gratification, the more machine you're going to get.
So what do you think? If you're planning on buying and iPad, do you get one as soon as it's available in April, or do you wait a while and see how they refine it in the first refresh?
For me, I'm probably holding off (although my wife is pressing me to buy one now and that's hard to resist). Let's face it though, if you really, really want one, you're going to be in line at the Apple Store on April 3rd and no argument is going to dissuade you.