I have installed apache 2.2.8 and on and http://localhost/ the browser is serving /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html but:
1. personal web sharing just hangs waiting when I click Turn On PWS
2. does not bring up an index.html I placed there (in /Users/macuser/Sites/ )
I am not sure what am I doing wrong, as I am new to this
I run the whole compile and install process several times because it did not work and in the process I had removed the default apache 1.3 that was installed and working
It also seems like my system startup time is significantly longer than before the apache2 installation.
when I run sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start in terminal it says "already running"
still sys pref would not show personal web sharing is on
I am not sure how is this all related but all I want is to be able to serve pages via apache from my Sites directory
any ideas would should I check for?
PPC 10.4.11