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Hi there, having strange problem with one of my USB Drives. Was working correctly this morning but midway through transferring some data, it dropped and haven't seen it since.

I'm hoping it's not as severe as a reformat or at least there might be suggestions you might have, but I'm having trouble finding help on Disk Utility on the web. I've attached some screenshots to help explain.....

The drive (called DATA) currently looks like this in Disk Utility (Picture 1), I have run a repair and it says it's been repaired. Disk Warrior looks like this (Pic 2), interestingly saying that it is mounted and it is on my desktop. Running a ls /Volumes in terminal shows the drive (pic 3) and finally, having a quick scan of my /Volumes folder in finder shows a link to the drive, but double clicking on it says that it cannot find the original item/

All a bit weird if you ask me and way beyond my knowledge of OSX. Can anyone shed some light on what's up, if my data is ok and if not, what I can do to recover it?

Thanks in advance.


PS, running MacMini, OSX 10.4.11 and the drive is half a partition of a Seagate usb external drive.

Member Avatar for T4FF


Hi there, having strange problem with one of my USB Drives. Was working correctly this morning but midway through transferring some data, it dropped and haven't seen it since.

I'm hoping it's not as severe as a reformat or at least there might be suggestions you might have, but I'm having trouble finding help on Disk Utility on the web. I've attached some screenshots to help explain.....

The drive (called DATA) currently looks like this in Disk Utility (Picture 1), I have run a repair and it says it's been repaired. Disk Warrior looks like this (Pic 2), interestingly saying that it is mounted and it is on my desktop. Running a ls /Volumes in terminal shows the drive (pic 3) and finally, having a quick scan of my /Volumes folder in finder shows a link to the drive, but double clicking on it says that it cannot find the original item/

All a bit weird if you ask me and way beyond my knowledge of OSX. Can anyone shed some light on what's up, if my data is ok and if not, what I can do to recover it?

Thanks in advance.


PS, running MacMini, OSX 10.4.11 and the drive is half a partition of a Seagate usb external drive.

I have a sort of obvious answer that you probably have thought of, but when weird stuff happens when I am working (I use a partitioned Iomega external drive that sometimes does that), I turn off the Mac, unplug the drive. Plug it back in, then restart the Mac. The drive usually comes back online. What I find is that the data is fine. Check to see if the hard drive is formatted for a Mac or still is formatted for Windows. It seems to make a difference.

If you have already tried this trick, then I would use Tech Tools rather than Drive 10 because it is more accurate in sussing out what is going on. It could be a permissions problem or something to do with the Volume. Sometimes rebuilding the Desktop (defragging the hard drive using Tech Tool) seems to recover lost tracks that might be causing problems. But restarting seems to restore everything.

Hope this helps. I'll be interested in knowing how this turns out.

Yea, I would start by re-starting and unplugging it until you get the machine logged in. Once you're in, plug it up. If it doesn't mount, open diskutil and click the volume and hit the mount button.

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