Hello All

Is there any option for getting the deleted files from thrash?
My files has been deleted few days back. I want to get it back.

If they are still in your trash can then click on it and restore them.

Thanks RIK... u got the perfect solution.. ha ha ha .. just kidding.

I know that.
I mean, if it is also not there in thrash, then what's the solution.

There is file recovery software out there but most of it costs a fair bit.

When you delete a file, most of the time only the inode is deleted, not the actual data. As long as you don't add files to the drive and overwrite it, the data should still be there.

You can often do it yourself. grep through your hard drive partition (usually /dev/sdaX), searching for phrases that would indicate the presence of the target file. Once you've found it, redirect the output to a new file. Text files are the easiest to recover this way, but with practice you can recover more complex binary files as well.

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