:?: I have my main HD almost full and decided to buy a new one. I installed the new internal HD as a second HD in the lower bay of my Super Mac G5 Dual Processor. I was thinking that probably that was not a good idea, instead I should make the new HD the main disk and install the operating system in it. How can I do that? Can I still use the former HD as a second HD?

:?: I have my main HD almost full and decided to buy a new one. I installed the new internal HD as a second HD in the lower bay of my Super Mac G5 Dual Processor. I was thinking that probably that was not a good idea, instead I should make the new HD the main disk and install the operating system in it. How can I do that? Can I still use the former HD as a second HD?

Hi, do you have your Mac OSX System Installer disk? it has a super option for transferring al vital system info to a new disk after installing the system.

Do this, I assume you have your new disk installed, if you have Tiger MacOsX insert CD with system, double click install and upon selecting destination disk select the new disk and proceed to install.

Once installation is complete you will be prompt to indicate if you want to install system information from another disk, if you select this option it will make a the new disk your start up disk with all your system preference just as your old disk.

It is important to say that you will have two operating systems one for each disk, if your a power user this can be handy because you can change start up from one disk to another and that way you can make repairs and back ups real easy. If your not such a expert this can become confusing.

Please backup all info before doing anything, it wouldn't be nice to lose anything

Thank you very much for your suggestion. I did it and it works very good. The only problem is that it seems that I will need to re-install some of the programs that are not working from the old disk like Adobe PhotoShop CS2 and an Epson scanner. But would be a minor thing. Thank you very much again.

For future ref: I prefer to use SuperDuper (or Carbon Copy Cloner) for these tasks. Never had a failed boot, nor a failed app start.

sure if its s-ata. when it´s the same size, you can even run a striped array.

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