Hi everyone, My phone 5c runs so slow recently, and I tried to delete some files in my iPhone and get more space. Ah, it doesn't work at all. Do you meet this? My phone has used 2 years and everything goes well until last week. It suddenly changed so weired...

because it is iphone get an android hehe jocking maybe update cause it or have downloaded many apps and you dont have enought space or many apps are running in backround

It depending on how many apps and what is that. Some app is running in background and take of you much RAM and make device running slow. If there is any unuse app, just removed it.

You phone is older than 2 years. There are several reasons for slow run. Like - you didn't update softare, virus attack, some instrument gone old.

gyles,I have an iPod Touch 4G which is 3 Years Old but runs fine, christopher.ava, Did you Jailbreak your Device? If you did then you can download many Cydia tweaks to speed-up your iDevice...

Install ant anti virus software or-else restart your phone.

May be you have not cleared the cache of your iPhone.

Maybe there're too may apps running in the background. Just shut down them!

OP -
Is there general slowness? Is it primarily when browsing?

As mentioned above, always keep the device current.
Settings > General > Software Update and make sure you're running the latest

If you check storage, are you low?
Delete apps that you don't use. Most users of Android or iOS do not configure notifications and refresh frequency, but a large number of apps updating constantly can certainly have an effect on both speed and battery life.

There is always the nuclear option. Back up your device settings, photos, etc. Then pull a fulll refresh.

Mostly iPhones run slow due to backend runing applications and in generall low memory, I would advice to get rid of back running apps and heavy gaming apps and reduce memory.

There are may be several reasons:-
1. To many apps/heating apps are installed
2. Software Updation not done yet
3. Clear history, cookies and data

did you recently done any update. it might be the problem i suggest u reset all the network settings and if possible restore the phone.

You should unintall some useless apps and shut off the apps when you don't use them.

Your iPhone runs slowly, maybe you should clean up some junk files。 Follow this steps:

I can understand you very well.Because this situation drives people insane indeed. I once have the same trouble.here's some tricks to free up space on your phone.
1. Go to Settings > Safari > Clear History & Clear Cookies & Data. This takes up a surprising amount of space if it isn't cleared on occasion.
2. Go to Settings > General > Usage > Here, you'll see a list of apps that are using your space sorted from the app taking the most space down to the app taking up the least space. Right from here you can remove apps that are killing your storage.
3. I would recommend backing up photos and videos to your computer regularly than deleting them from your phone. Plus you can limit music to what you actually listen to regularly.
4. You can also try some softwares . iMyfone Umate is efficient. It can deeply scan your iPhone and find the junk files which need to be deleted. Also it make lossless photo compression to save your space. You don’t even have to worry about your photos will be ruined because the compression is lossless and your original photos will be backed up automatically to your computer!

You need to clean up your device now. And don't upgrade to latest iOS

Press Home button twice and swipe up to turn off any apps running in the background
Disable background app refresh

This usually happens when the RAM of your iPhone is almost exhausted. It is one of the reason why any smartphone will start being very slow and lagging when you're trying to use it for anything. Also, you should try and upgrade your phone after using it for 2 years as it behaving this way.

commented: Patience is waiting 10 years for a reply. -4

I think you're referring to physical memory (hard drive space) and not random access memory (RAM). Using up all your hdd space can make your phone go slower. RAM is transient and is just the memory the apps you currently have open at the time are using. The amount of RAM you use goes down when you close out of apps or restart your phone.

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