I have some files on my desktop which I cannot delete (move to trash). They were downloads that were interrupted at some point due to IE crashing or a power outage. When I try to drag them into the trash, the following message is displayed...

"The item is being used by another task right now. (Other tasks include moving, copying or emptying the trash.) Try again when the other task is complete."

How can I remove these? Thank you

I am running OSX 10.2.8

Try repairing permissions first
If not then try restarting the computer and delete them before you open up anything

Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't work. Downloaded SHREDDER per advice from an earlier post. That worked.


If you have opened up the root account on the OS X computer, you could open up a terminal session, and su to root. The root account should be able to kill them. But be careful. The root account can also disable your computer to the point you will need to re-install.


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