I'm having trouble with flash player. I had no problem viewing flash on my Safari and IE but when I tried to upgrade to flash 9 everything went bad. First of all I couldn't download flash 9 update. When i tried it downloaded up till "4 items remaining" and it just froze there. Every time I tried it kept freezing at 4 items left to download. thinking that i had to uninstall flash player, I ran a program to uninstall my previous flash player then tried to download flash player 9 and it once again froze at "4 items remaining." Now, however, I can't view any flash animation whatsoever.

Any suggestions?


I've tried that a hundred times. It won't download. It gets as far as 4 items remaining to download then freezes. Now I have another problem. I downloaded a new browser, Firefox, and flash works but I trashed Safari and now I can't download Safari. Very frustrating.

Why don't you try downloading the file manually from Adobe's website?

The installer contained inside the dmg will probably fix any errors that may have been existent previously, so everything should work after this installation.

Hope this helps

>It gets as far as 4 items remaining to download then freezes.
You're confusing me. What do you mean, "4 items"? Wouldn't the act of downloading the dmg file only be 1 file?

>but I trashed Safari and now I can't download Safari.
:rolleyes: So you thought you didn't need it and just chucked it. Don't ever throw out core operating system software unless you absoloutely know what you're doing. For example, never delete Internet Explorer on Windows just because you want to use another browser.

Here's the Safari download page, and if Firefox can't download this, I'd say there's something wrong with your internet/network connection. A similar problem may exist if you can't download the flash file. Or simply try at a different time when maybe the server (or your internet connection) isn't so busy.

When I try and download the flash player, it shows a countdown of items remaining. Then it stops at 4 left and freezes there.

But now I've got firefox which contains the flash plug-in so thats fixed. But, regarding Safari, you're right-I screwed up by trashing a native application. I tried downloading Safari from Firefox but it won't download. A friend told me it's a real problem. The only way to fix it is to reinstall the system. Do you agree?

>It gets as far as 4 items remaining to download then freezes.
You're confusing me. What do you mean, "4 items"? Wouldn't the act of downloading the dmg file only be 1 file?

>but I trashed Safari and now I can't download Safari.
:rolleyes: So you thought you didn't need it and just chucked it. Don't ever throw out core operating system software unless you absoloutely know what you're doing. For example, never delete Internet Explorer on Windows just because you want to use another browser.

Here's the Safari download page, and if Firefox can't download this, I'd say there's something wrong with your internet/network connection. A similar problem may exist if you can't download the flash file. Or simply try at a different time when maybe the server (or your internet connection) isn't so busy.

When I try and download the flash player, it shows a countdown of items remaining. Then it stops at 4 left and freezes there.

Wait... how are you trying to download this? With your browser, it should only be one file: the dmg file. Nothing else. It should simply download, with a countdown of the remaining of kilobytes/megabytes, and if it gets stuck, you've probably got some network problem.

But, regarding Safari, you're right-I screwed up by trashing a native application. I tried downloading Safari from Firefox but it won't download.

What do you mean, it "won't download". Does the file sit there, waiting to be downloaded, but nothing happens? Does the installation program simply not open? You have to be more descriptive.

To me, this sounds like some sort of network issue. Being unable to download not only Flash but the Safari dmg as well doesn't seem related so much to the operating system as to the internet and your ISP. And I can tell you one thing: reinstalling Mac OS X sure isn't going to help the network problem, even if it does fix the immediate problem of not having Safari.

What do you mean, it "won't download". Does the file sit there, waiting to be downloaded, but nothing happens? Does the installation program simply not open? You have to be more descriptive.

He doesn't mean "download". he means install. He's already downloaded the .dmg file and when he runs the installer, it gets to "4 items remaining" and then says "searching..." and then nothing happens. I know this because the same thing is happening to me - which is why I did a search and came across this site. It installed fine on one of my Intel Macs OS X 10.4.8 and it won't install on another - Also an Intel with 10.4.8.

The installer doesn't actually freeze, but it seems to be searching the hard disk for something, and the search carries on forever. You can still cancel and quit the installer, but it just doesn't get past this part.

Does anyone know what files get installed and where so that I can manually copy the files from a working machine to the one that doesn't work? Maybe this will work for George Page also.

ok so i have inherited a Mac PowerBook G4.. not sure what the OSX level is (10.3.1?) anyway its not tiger, or panther...I think maybe, like house cat. Anyway, while browsing the news (where I could normally view video), I was told via a pop-up on the site that I needed the newest Adobe flash player.

I attempted and successfully completed the download, but like the others in the string was unable to install. I got through the install process ( I think, no freezing on "4" like the others), but when the browser re-opens, foxfire (changed from Safari due to Java script crashes..though did NOT delete) says I need additional plug-ins. Here is where it all falls apart.

After attempting to grab the plug-ins, the Adobe pop-up tells me there was a failure and i should try to grab everything manually. Well, a gazillion attempts later I am still where I was and worse because this whole process must have uninstalled whatever was loaded in the first place, so now I can see NO video content what-so-ever.

I am very new to the MAC thing and was thinking of replacing my corporately returned PC for a new MAC, but after the Safari thing and now this, I am not so sure.

Any suggestions ???

ok so i have inherited a Mac PowerBook G4.. not sure what the OSX level is (10.3.1?) anyway its not tiger, or panther...I think maybe, like house cat. Anyway, while browsing the news (where I could normally view video), I was told via a pop-up on the site that I needed the newest Adobe flash player. etc.

Definitely stick with the Mac - It's worth it. However, this particular problem didn't go away for me until I reinstalled the OS from scratch. I also solely use Firefox, as Safari, while pretty and compliant, doesn't give me the functionality ans extensibility of Firefox.

Good luck with your problem. As you can see, nobody responded to this thread in over a year, so hopefully you'll have better luck than I.


Definitely stick with the Mac - It's worth it. However, this particular problem didn't go away for me until I reinstalled the OS from scratch. I also solely use Firefox, as Safari, while pretty and compliant, doesn't give me the functionality ans extensibility of Firefox.

Good luck with your problem. As you can see, nobody responded to this thread in over a year, so hopefully you'll have better luck than I.


Ugh...I was hoping you would not say that...my system disks are in the States and I am in France for another month of so...I guess no news video for me. Will let you know how the fix works when I am able to reinstall.

Thanks for your help...M

I am having trouble downloading flash player 10 i had all this on my pc before but i think i have deleted a few thing by mistake, the page freezes when i go to install and it doesn't allow me to click on the tab above to aloow the download this happens all the time no matter what time of day, i can't download mozilla either! i'm so not good with computer stuff just want to play my games again on facebook pls help me

I've tried that a hundred times. It won't download. It gets as far as 4 items remaining to download then freezes. Now I have another problem. I downloaded a new browser, Firefox, and flash works but I trashed Safari and now I can't download Safari. Very frustrating.

What OS u r using???

>it gets as far as 4 items remaining to download then freezes.
You're confusing me. What do you mean, "4 items"? Wouldn't the act of downloading the dmg file only be 1 file?

>but i trashed safari and now i can't download safari.
:rolleyes: So you thought you didn't need it and just chucked it. Don't ever throw out core operating system software unless you absoloutely know what you're doing. For example, never delete internet explorer on windows just because you want to use another browser.

Here's the safari download page, and if firefox can't download this, i'd say there's something wrong with your internet/network connection. A similar problem may exist if you can't download the flash file. Or simply try at a different time when maybe the server (or your internet connection) isn't so busy.

wrong installer may be the problem

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