mm people all my life i've been wondering is it possible to download a mac os in a normal pc not a macintosh kind is it pooosible or no ??

if no then why???

if yes from where?

Hey there Hamada,

I did some research and i found this post,122207-page,1/article.html this says u can run Mac OS X This says that it is possible to run it on a x86 chip but it just seemed a little shady to me. But during my research i found that the best way to run Mac OS is through an Emulator This website gives you free software i have not tried the software but it seems to be a easy set up and user frendly.
Heres That link to the emulator

Trust me in about a year you will be abel to run Mac OS on any PC, Mac finally relized that ppl want to be abel to go back in fourth with no limits. Now Bill needs to relize that, and when he starts losing some money he will make a program similar to (boot camp).
Hope this will help

It's possible, but you're definitely in the gray area of the law if you decide to do it. Two reasons: the OS X license says you won't install it on anything other than a licensed Apple machine, and secondly, you're downloading a copy of OS X that you didn't buy.

I won't try to stop you from doing it, but I encourage you to buy a copy of OS X before downloading it from the internet. (You have to download a pre-release version of OS X to be able to install it on a PC; full instructions are on the OSx86 project's website.)

But during my research i found that the best way to run Mac OS is through an Emulator This website gives you free software i have not tried the software but it seems to be a easy set up and user frendly.
Heres That link to the emulator

PearPC emulates the PowerPC architecture, which is slowly being phased out. The "better" way to run Mac OS X is by booting it from a hard disk partition, or emulating the x86 version.

Trust me in about a year you will be abel to run Mac OS on any PC, Mac finally relized that ppl want to be abel to go back in fourth with no limits. Now Bill needs to relize that, and when he starts losing some money he will make a program similar to (boot camp).

You don't know what you're talking about. Bill Gates and Windows have nothing to do with the capability of booting OS X on a PC. It's Apple that refuses to allow booting of OS X on PCs, and has put many security measures in place to prevent it.

hey just trust me before you know it mac and windows will work perfectly togather. Mac was the one who came out with boot camp, Thats the first programs that lets u run windows on a mac thats legal. (Well now that they swicthed to the intel processor). I dident mean to put Bill down or Windows in that fact, what i was trying to point out is windows will come out with a program that u can run mac along side with it, And then Apple will change there license agreement so that its legal for you to do it as long as u buy your own copy.
Now a days they are going to have to start being more flexible and u know more programs are coming out that can run on both.
sorry if i upset you bro.


hey just trust me before you know it mac and windows will work perfectly togather.

I kind of doubt it actually. Apple has resisted licensing out Mac OS to clones for years, and I don't think this is about to change now. Apple's goal is to create a tight mesh between the operating system and the hardware, and to ensure this it creates and maintains its own OS and hardware.

Mac was the one who came out with boot camp, Thats the first programs that lets u run windows on a mac thats legal. (Well now that they swicthed to the intel processor).

Macs need Boot Camp because of their EFI. Windows wasn't created EFI-capable, so Boot Camp (which is mainly just a firmware update) makes the hardware capable of booting older operating systems that normally depend on BIOS for booting. The only other thing that Boot Camp software does is dynamically resize partitions, but then again, I know of *nix utilities that do that as well.

I dident mean to put Bill down or Windows in that fact, what i was trying to point out is windows will come out with a program that u can run mac along side with it, And then Apple will change there license agreement so that its legal for you to do it as long as u buy your own copy.

You still don't understand what you're talking about. A PC doesn't need a "Boot Camp" software to be able to run OS X. If Apple allowed it, OS X could install and run seamlessly on a PC. It's not up to Microsoft to write software for it -- in fact, it's nearly impossible to install any *modern* version of OS X on a regular PC. The only way OS X is installed on a PC is because there was a leaked pre-release version of OS X which ran on developer boxes (which are similar to normal PCs with BIOSes).

sorry if i upset you bro.

I'm not upset -- but please don't talk of what you don't know. It's impossible for Microsoft to do anything about the situation (and frankly, I don't think they would want to do anything). It's all up to Apple.

people stop argueing all i asked was can i run it o a normal pc or no thats it just answer yes but if there are requirements then tell me all i know is it runs on x86 but how can i know that my pc is x86??

and i just opened the emulator but i don't want to run xp then run the emulator to run the mac os can't i just buy the freakin mac os cd and install it and work on it as if it is normal mac os or no

or do i have to download the emulator?? please answer

>people stop argueing
Why do you have a problem with it? I don't, as long as it's on-topic and informative.

>all i asked was can i run it o a normal pc or no
I believe I answered this question in my first post. I even provided a link to the project website, so it should be rather trivial finding exact instructions for installing OS X on a PC from that website.

>all i know is it runs on x86 but how can i know that my pc is x86??
If you're running Windows on your computer, it's definitely x86.

ok then mine is x86 and i don't need the emulator????


but in the link you gave me i couldn't find from where to download or i have to go and buy it??

because its illegal to run OSX on non-apple hardware.

ha ha i see

>but in the link you gave me i couldn't find from where to download
How it works is you have to install a pre-release version of OS X that was meant for developer boxes (with BIOSes). Somewhere in the site it mentions where to find it, and I'm certainly not going to tell you here. If you want to be a little bit closer to "legal", then buy a copy of OS X, even though you aren't going to use the disc.

how about something called private message

it would be illegal and could get daniweb shut down, so no, he wont pm you the address

of fine i don't care, how about email then ,can he do that??

>how about something called private message
How about you don't push your luck. I've already told you a lot more than I have to other people asking how to install OS X on non-Apple hardware. Besides, if you can't figure out how with the vast amount of information documenting the process step-by-step, I seriously doubt you are capable of installing it anyway.

:\ whatever anyhow thanks for the "excessive" information

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