Before I purchase a MAC OS (with no windows OS) I would like to know Can a Mac open an HTML files on any browser just like in windows? Example: an ebook that is downloaded toyour computer and is in html format that you need to open with any browser withouthaving to connect to the internet. Please let me know!

Yes. Just double-click them.

Yes. Just double-click them.

how sure are you (did you tried on a MAC OS)

I'm very sure.

(And yes, I do use Mac OS X.)

I also forgot to ask Is the Mac OS also able to open zipped file (that was zipped with winzip or winrar) thats was zipped in a windows OS and with winzip or winrar?

Yes. Just double-click them.

(Actually, not quite... rar archives need to be unizipped with something like UnRarX, but it's a free download.)

So far, and the list is to huge to note here, I have not found a file type that cannot be opened on an INTEL Mac.

I moved to Mac from Windows PC 6 months ago, Best thing I ever did with regards to computers, takes a week or so to get comfortable with the OS and working in a slightly different way with certain programmes but well worth the effort. There is a shed load of great software out there for Macs and I no longer run windows on my Mac as there is no need, I must admit that it was my original intention to run Win XP side by side but it is just not worth it or necessary.

I bought a second Mac 3 months after the first one, they just work so well, I have loaded them and multitasked them beyond anything my old Win PCs could ever have handled, I no longer spend a week of each month updating and protecting stuff, My advise to anyone Get a Mac keep your old WIN Pc for stuff till you get used to Mac then find someone you hate and give them your Win Pc

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