Is there a microsoft paint like application for mac? Either built in, or for a free download? If I need to pay, it's not worth it, but if there is one, great. Thanks.

But you need X11 Installed for run Gimp

I like Pixelmator better than GIMP, better usability, I feel.

It does cost $60 or something like that, but I thin it's entirely worth it.

I love pixelator, and use both GIMP and it all the time, however both are far more complex than MS Paint. Any suggestions on easier to learn programs, basic brush selection and color choice kind of thing?


If you don't already have one, I'd recommend picking up the Wacom Bamboo Fun package. Not only is it a good drawing tablet for beginners, but it also comes with Corel Painter Essentials

Is there a microsoft paint like application for mac? Either built in, or for a free download? If I need to pay, it's not worth it, but if there is one, great. Thanks.

Sure there is; it's name is paintbrush and it behaves exactly as Paint, has the same capabilities, limitations, etc., (well, not exactly, it's a little more mac-friendly).
It's open source and you can find it in

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