LeoNidan2007 0 Newbie Poster

Folks, I'm working on an admin script that will look at a servers' scheduled tasks and verify that #1; it's enabled or disable; #2; alert if disabled; and #3; continue to monitor the sheduled tasks 24X7. So, I've created this script that is suppose to do this; however it's not working 100% and I'm actually fairly new to scripting so if anyone out there who is good a scripting can take a look, and let me know where I might be going wrong I'd greatly appreciate it!


Option Explicit

Dim CSV3, objFSO, objTextFile, strNextLine, arrServiceList, String3, i
Dim objshell, sCommand, systempath

Const ForReading = 1

Set objshell = Wscript.Createobject("WScript.Shell")
systempath = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%")

sCommand = "cmd /C schtasks.exe /query /FO table /V >> C:\schedtaskmon.txt"
objshell.Run sCommand

'WScript.Sleep 1000

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\schedtaskmon.txt", ForReading)
'Skipping Header Row
Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
dim task, state

strNextLine = objTextFile.ReadLine
task = substring(strNextLine, 16,36)
task = Trim(task)

state = substring(strNextLine, 369, 28)
state = Trim(state)

If Not LCase(state) = "enabled" Then
'arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine , ",")
For i = 2 To Ubond(arrServiceList)
If arrServiceList(i) = """Disabled""" Then
WScript.Echo "Match"
objshell.LogEvent EVENT_ERROR, _
"Schedule Job: " & arrServiceList(0) & " Schedule process Disabled, please check scheduler."
End If

Function substring(str, start, length)
dim s, rval
s = left(str, start+length)
rval = right (s, length)
substring = rval
end Function

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