Please forgive any breach of protocol and politely correct if necessary. I could not find any threads specifically responding to this topic so I'm (obviously) posting a new one.
I have Outlook 2003 and it is paralytically slow opening any links mentioned in email. I've tried clearing cache memory and that help a little. I have never been sure if this is a problem with Outlook or IE. (I have tried switching to Firefox/Thunderbird but, for various reasons which I need to seek help on another forum, cannot currently use). That was much faster but not a current option.
I've recently been using Opera and that seems to blow IE away. I have not figured out how to fold Outlook, and some other programs, into Opera or I would commit to using Opera.
So, for the time being at least, I am stuck w/ IE and Outlook. So any suggestions on how to get Explorer to open links in Outlook faster would be appreciated. Thanks.