I am using XP Home with SP2. I installed IE7 a long time ago and it was great until jut a few days ago. All of a sudden I cannot get to any webpages at all, I just get an error message "Address not found." I also have AOL and I tried that and had the same problem. They had me rebuild the adapter and run webutil. That helped and I can access webpages through AOL, but not IE7. I am NOT very computer tech savvy, so any help needs to be somewhat basic. I have deleted temp files, etc., defraged and all that stuff recently. Thanks!!!


In URL in IE7 would you enter and tell us what you get please.

If it works you will get a well known web site.


Have you tried a system restore to when it was working? (That sometimes fixs many things)

Otherwise,under the file menu of IE,make sure "Work offline" is not checked....

Good luck -- Welcome to our site :)

commented: Don't suggest system restore when the problem is obviously network-related... -2

That didn't work, I get the IE cannot display the webpage message. I do not have work offline checked. I have NOT done a system restore. Both IE and AOL stopped accessing webpages on 12/30. On the same date, Microsoft updates were installed. I don't know if one of them might have corrupted something.

try firefox ,you'll love it, actually work all the time for me!

This sounds like something changed the settings on how IE connects to your ISP.

That didn't work, I get the IE cannot display the webpage message. I do not have work offline checked. I have NOT done a system restore. Both IE and AOL stopped accessing webpages on 12/30. On the same date, Microsoft updates were installed. I don't know if one of them might have corrupted something.

Sounds like this has caused the problems.

I would ring AOL and ask them for a fix. You may also find that there is now a windows update to fix the fix..


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