I have been a visitor here for a while and impressed with your assistance to everyone and the wealth of info here. I am sorry that I am now needing assistance myself. I hope someone can find the time to help me.
I am need of assistance on a blue screen hard stop. I have been trying for a couple of days to resolve it with no luck. I have most likely made the situation worse.
My system is a 3 y/o IBM Netvista with one meg memory and an 80GB hard drive. I have a Viewsonic A75F Monitor, a USB (cannon) scanner and a USB Lexmark ink jet. I am on a cable hook up to the net.
I have not had any problems in over a year. This last weekend my grandson wanted to down load AIM from AOL. I didn't want to do it but he said that all his buddys used it now instead of the messenger he had. I caved in and told him to d/l it and to scan it with our virus program and our trojan program before opening. He did so and used the new program for about an hour.
We are the only users on this system. I can't get to his desktop in Safe Mode to check and or uninstall anything.
I ran the virus and trojan programs Sat. and also Reg mechanic to clean up some entries of deleted videos, ect. At that time I also went into Device Manager and changed the time out for my monitor from 20 min to 10 min in the power manager section. Thats all that changed since I had did a restart the previous Sat. (I do one restart each week). I did my restart this time and got the blue screen stop message:
0X0000007E (0XC0000005,0X80531A00,0XF7B2A7AC,0XF7B2A4AC
No mention of any thing else.
I have doubts I have a virus or such, don't know about the power change.
I tried to go back to a earlier working config (a couple of them).
I used a Program called ERDNT and restored an earlier backup.
I restored a backup from my Register Mechanic program.
I looked at the event logs and they give no real clue except for one that says the file system structure is corrupt and unuseable and to run chkdsk.
I went to safe mode and ran chkdsk from a dos prompt and it ran ok, no errors. I just ran "chkdisk" alone without any parameters because I am unfamiliar with this program. So I need a little help with that if possible.
I ran Diagnostics against the drive with no failures after running it about two hours solid (PC Doctor). The drive is about a year old. Maxtor ATA drive.
One thing I noticed when I was looking through the device manager is under, system-hardware- my monitor is not listed. In fact "Monitor" is not on the list of devices. There were no explanation marks or other highlighted areas or errors that I could find, just no monitor listed.
If I go to "Display" in the Control Panel, it shows the default monitor in use.
I have most likely left something out, I'm a little frazzled by this and the fact that I have been messing with it on and off for three days.
I am also flustrated that even if there is no proof I am suspecting that AIM (and or an embedded virus) has something to do with this.
Anyway, thats my story and I'm stuck with it.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appriciated.
Papa Ray01