Hi, I purchased a second hand computer and it was working before I picked up from my friends house. When I got it home and plugged it in, it would just make the sounds like it's booting, the lights blinked, it beeped, but my monitor kept saying that "the monitor is working properly - check the system". It sounds like it wants to come on but doesn't. It's not the monitor because I've used the monitor on another computer. I took it to someone to look at and he said he found a small lamp knob (you know, the ones you twist on the lamps). And he said I probably need a new motherboard or some other thing I can't remember. Can you help me?

open your case examine the system board closely for cracks or broken components.if you find none,switch out your ram in the different slots one stick at a time.also make sure all components are firmly attached

!flashing your BIOS can also help you.

I think it is the booting problem your machine is getting started but at some point its booting process id interrupted just check for it.If after examining also you machine is not getting started then better go for some professionals but I would suggest if expenses are too much on mother board then better opt for new machine only

I think it is the booting problem your machine is getting started but at some point its booting process id interrupted just check for it.If after examining also you machine is not getting started then better go for some professionals but I would suggest if expenses are too much on mother board then better opt for new machine only

Thanks. What if I switched out the video card on the non working computer and put it on my working one. When I did that my new computer wouldn't work. It was doing the same thing that the non working computer did. The lights came on and it beeped but my monitor wasn't showing anything. So I took it out and put the good one back in and my computer worked (the new one).

So do you think It could be the video card is non responsive and I need a new one? Just an idea. I know nothing of computers. Please respond.

Hi, I purchased a second hand computer and it was working before I picked up from my friends house. When I got it home and plugged it in, it would just make the sounds like it's booting, the lights blinked, it beeped, but my monitor kept saying that "the monitor is working properly - check the system". It sounds like it wants to come on but doesn't. It's not the monitor because I've used the monitor on another computer. I took it to someone to look at and he said he found a small lamp knob (you know, the ones you twist on the lamps). And he said I probably need a new motherboard or some other thing I can't remember. Can you help me?

base on what you are saying, does anything come on the screen. The BIOS, the windows splash screen. if nothing is displayed check the video card and ake sure it is properly seated. and ensure that the video cable is properly attached.

Friend from your reply I think you should go ahead and try with new video card.Lets see if that works.But before that get a working video card from your friend and try to check it for your PC if your monitor starts working then its clear that its problem with your card but if it didn't then I will suggest you go for some expert.As I myself don't know much about computers.Whatever I can I have suggested you.

Thanks I'm going to try out another video card. Hopefully that will work. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Any time friend you are always welcomed.

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