When I try to burn data to a CD-Recordable drive or CD-Rewritable drive, I see no option to send data to the CD-ROM drive.

Even when I try to view the properties of the CD-R drive or CD-RW drive I notice that the Recording tab is not displayed in the CD Drive Properties dialog box.

Additionally I also receive the following error message:
"There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a writable CD into drive."

How to overcome this?

Either Windows Update or 3rd party software like imgburn.

Does the drive work for other things like ,if you put a music cd in the drive will it play the music

Yea, other fundtions are working properly, like reading from cd (audi0, video as well as data), but only encounters problems while i try to burn the CD.


yes the drive is working perfectly for other functions like reading from CD and playing audio and video cds as well.


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