Hi everybody,
as I see I am not the only one having the some problem with ethernet controller.

I have a Dell Dimension 8250 with window xp proffesional and after installing the new window xp I couldn't connect to internet.
I found on my device manager that I have a problem with ethernet controller,as is wrriten there:(The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28).
But I cannot find anything on internet because I don't know the name of my device.
To device manager under details is wrriten my device instance ID:

If somebody knows how I can find the drivers for my device or how to solve this problem please ,please help me!

P.S my lovely son is waiting for this answer - is his computer.Please help us !

Thank you,

Thank you for your advice but I solve the problem.:)

Hi everybody,
as I see I am not the only one having the some problem with ethernet controller.

I have a Dell Dimension 8250 with window xp proffesional and after installing the new window xp I couldn't connect to internet.
I found on my device manager that I have a problem with ethernet controller,as is wrriten there:(The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28).
But I cannot find anything on internet because I don't know the name of my device.
To device manager under details is wrriten my device instance ID:

If somebody knows how I can find the drivers for my device or how to solve this problem please ,please help me!

P.S my lovely son is waiting for this answer - is his computer.Please help us !

Thank you,

What was the solution to your problem since I have the same issue and cannot access the internet.

It would've been a driver problem.

CLAVIA2 OR Everyone who can help me I have the same problem that CLAVIAS2 and I read that she or he already fix the problem,so clavia2 can you tell me please how did you fix the problem :( , or anybody who knows about it thankyou and God bless you everybody.

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