I know there are many discussions and threads around this subject. I have tried many of the suggestions in other threads, without any luck.
The PC with this problem is my friend's pc, and it boots up until the desktop, and while loading desktop items, shuts down, and re-starts again, in an infinite loop.
I took my own windows xp pro cd, and tried to reboot from cd, using the R command as well as enter and the repair options, without any luck.
We can not format and do a clean install, as my friend has stuff on the pc that he doesn't want to loose, and I am really not clued up to perform back up for this.
I can however reboot successfully in safe mode, and browse the control panel if I'm locked in as administrator. The thing is, I do not know what to look for, to try and fix this problem in safe mode.
Any suggestions, tips, and how to's will be so appreciated. Remember, that I followed most of the already posted suggestions in other related threads without success.
I know that I will get some positive how to's here on daniweb to solve this problem, and I thank anyone in advance that wants to share their expertize with this monkey.