I can't boot Windows 2000 due to a kmode exception error (see earlier thread) so I wondered about the possibility of doing a fresh install but in a seperate directory.

The computer has a C drive (FAT32) and a D drive (NTFS) and I wondered if it would be possible to do a clean install of Win 2000 on the D drive and then at least I could get into windows. Would this compromise any of the software applications on the computer at all? Or would everything still function ok?

Is it better to install it on D drive or in a temporary folder on C drive?

My main priority is not losing any of the information off the computer.

Thanks for any help you can give me on this.



Best safety you can give your data?

Borrow a different drive. Bung it in there as master and install windows to it. then afterwards pop your other drive(s) in as slave and copy your data across or to CD. That safeguards your data files completely, and is the safest way to approach the job.

Installing Windows to a different drive won't retain your installed programs. the program files will still be in there but Windows won't recognize them. That only happens if you install 'over the top' of the current installation, i.e. to the same drive or partition.

Are they actually two drives you have, or two partitions on the one drive? which one is Windowws currently installed to?

Best safety you can give your data?

Borrow a different drive. Bung it in there as master and install windows to it. then afterwards pop your other drive(s) in as slave and copy your data across or to CD. That safeguards your data files completely, and is the safest way to approach the job.

Installing Windows to a different drive won't retain your installed programs. the program files will still be in there but Windows won't recognize them. That only happens if you install 'over the top' of the current installation, i.e. to the same drive or partition.

Are they actually two drives you have, or two partitions on the one drive? which one is Windowws currently installed to?


It is one hard drive that is partitioned in C and D.

C drive contains the windows installation.

There is room on D for a windows installation so that was my plan..?

As I said though, my main priority is not losing the functionality of the software thats on the drive, would installing on D drive stop the software working?

Thanks for your help, if you need any more info just ask mate.



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