I have a Compaq5300. It had windows 98SE. Had to remove EVERYTHING and now I have an empty HD. On this notebook, the floppy and the CDrom have to be changed manually. I need to reload windows and cannot figure out how to do it. It boots with the floppy but, when I change it out and put in the CDRom, it tell me it is invalid and to change the disc. I'm at a loss HELP>

Me again, I have rebooted the Compaq5300, changed the floppy drive and installed the CDrom drive. Inserted the windows 98SE disc, started the notebook back up, it now tells me invalid system disc. Replace the disc and press any key. Over, and Over again. HELP again!

Hi Walter,

I've merged the two threads you created. Please continue with your related comments all in the same thread, so that discussion of your problem doesn't get split between two topics.

I've done a search on the Compaq support website and found scant information about reloading the OS onto your Notebook. I'd suggest you contact HP about the matter:

Use the 'Contact HP' link here.

Or perhaps others here may have already found a solution. I'm sure they'll share the necessary information if that's the case.

Me again, I have rebooted the Compaq5300, changed the floppy drive and installed the CDrom drive. Inserted the windows 98SE disc, started the notebook back up, it now tells me invalid system disc. Replace the disc and press any key. Over, and Over again. HELP again!

Check in the Bios/setup and see if the boot sequence can be changed .

Just a suggestion but if it will boot to a floppy can you...
Copy system files to your hard drive along with CD Rom Drivers...
Swap the Floppy drive for the CD Rom Drive...
You could then boot to DOS on the hard drive and access the setup on the CD Rom...
I prefer to copy the win98 folder to the hard drive and run setup from there..
(If there is enough room on the hard drive, 1.5gig minimum recommended)

Just a suggestion but if it will boot to a floppy can you...
Copy system files to your hard drive along with CD Rom Drivers...
Swap the Floppy drive for the CD Rom Drive...
You could then boot to DOS on the hard drive and access the setup on the CD Rom...
I prefer to copy the win98 folder to the hard drive and run setup from there..
(If there is enough room on the hard drive, 1.5gig minimum recommended)

Thank You so very much for you help. I have beena ble to re-boot the notebook, shut down the notebook, installed the CD-ROM, started the notebook, and have C:\>. I need to load the the Windows 98 CD. What do I type in that prompt to start the CD loading? Sorry I seem so stupid, but I need all the help I can get getting the CD-ROM to start loading the Windows disk. Thanks again.
Walt :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

To access the cdrom you will need to modify or create your config.sys and your autoexec.bat and copy a few files to the cdrom root drive...

So put the Floppy drive back in the laptop...
Create a Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files

Any generic CD Rom driver should work...
I use one called CD1.SYS , you will also need MSCDEX.exe
This example uses Himem.sys as well
You could also add DEVICE=C:\EMM386.exe
(after himem.sys)

If you cannot find a generic CD Rom driver email me and I will send you one.

The various REM's are used when I need to force the driver to work with difficult drives.


Sample Autoexec.bat

MSCDEX.EXE /D:banana /L:R

Sample Config.sys

DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off

DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana

rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:1f0,14
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:170,15
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:170,10
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:1e8,12
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:1e8,11
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:168,10
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:banana /P:168,9



Hope this helps...

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