
After my PC was repaired due to a power failure. For some reasons, the antivrus software (Trend Micro's Internet Security) does not automatically restart itself. Usually, the icon would be at the taskbar, now it's missing and I have to manually find the icon under my Start - Program folder to activate it.

Can anyone help?


Hi ,I use Norton and not Trend micro ,but im sure there must be something in it settings /or options to set to auto protect or run at startup .

check in Start/Run /MSCONFIG/startup and see if whom ever fixted the computer unchecked it to keep it from running .


I have followed your instructions. There was a check so it should work. However, it still does not appear at all. Any ideas?

Maybe I just have to delete the software and re-install it (I hate to do it as it will be a hassle).


Hi ,I use Norton and not Trend micro ,but im sure there must be something in it settings /or options to set to auto protect or run at startup .

check in Start/Run /MSCONFIG/startup and see if whom ever fixted the computer unchecked it to keep it from running .

TRy unchecking it reboot computer and go back in a check it again and reboot computer again ,see what happens

Thanks for suggesting that. I tried the earlier method suggested by CaperJack again. This time re-booting my PC to try and check and un-check the option. It


I don't use Trend Micro either, but when you open it there should be a Management Console or something similar where you can set it to show in the Task Tray. I don't know if this will help, but here is a link to the manual:

It worked the second time round!!! Hooray!!!

Thanks CaperJack!!!

Problem SOLVED. :D

Hi ,I use Norton and not Trend micro ,but im sure there must be something in it settings /or options to set to auto protect or run at startup .

check in Start/Run /MSCONFIG/startup and see if whom ever fixted the computer unchecked it to keep it from running .

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