I've noticed other somewhat similar problems being discussed but not exactly. The fans come on, the disc drives check, the lights flash on the keyboard but nothing else. no beeps. sometimes the monitor seems to be getting nothing from the computer. I've opened it up, checked all connections, tested the monitor with my laptop....what else can i do?

Thank you in advance.

You have given very little information. Are there any lights on your box flashing, if so what colours? Any lights on your keyboard come on? Sometimes the monitor seems to be getting nothing, so is it getting what? when? Have you tried booting in safe mode? Do you have 1 or 2 memory sticks? Have you tried to clean them/it?

Sorry for the lack of info. There are no flashing lights other than the keyboard (number lock, caps, etc) flashing when I power up--and when the two disc drives are read. Then only the fans are running. The monitor says "warning pc entering power saving mode."

OK so you have display on your monitor. Try these and see if there is any difference.
Check Disk

1. Right click your disk drive icon (normally “C”),
2. Click “Properties.”
3. Click “Tools”
4. In “Error checking” click “Check Now”
5. Check the 2 boxes, “Automatically fix file system errors” and “Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors”
6. Click “Start”
7. At the pop-up window “The disk check could not……” Click “Yes”
8. Re-boot your PC and allow disk checker to start. (Do not press any key before it starts)

Alternative Start Mode

1. Re-boot PC, as it starts tap F8 several times until the windows boot window appears.
2. Scroll to “Start with last known good configuration.)
3. Press “Enter”

1. Re-boot PC, as it starts tap F8 several times until the windows boot window appears.
2. Scroll to “Safe Mode” (With networking, if you want to access the internet)
3. Press “Enter”

System Restore

1. Go “Start”
2. “All programs”
3. “Accessories”
4. “System tools”
5. “System Restore”
6. ensure “Restore to an earlier time” is checked and click “Next”
7. Select an earlier date when your PC worked well. (Must be a highlighted date)
8. Click “Next”
9. Allow system restore and reboot.
10. Check to see if problem still exists.

Clean Boot

1. Go “Start”
2. “Run”
3. Type “msconfig”
4. Click “OK”
5. Click “Services”
6. Check box “Hide all Microsoft services”
7. Click “Disable All”
8. Click “Apply”
9. Click “Restart”
10. System will reboot, Check if problem still exists. (Do not access the internet or open any file you are unsure of as you have no virus protector running.)
11. If problem is fixed, enable the disabled items 1 at a time until you find the one causing the problem. If not fixed, re-enable all and re-boot.

To Repair Windows XP from your XP CD…..

1. Re-start PC with XP CD in drive (Have your serial number handy)
2. As your PC starts press “F12” for boot menu (Or what your PC may ask for)
3. Scroll to and select “boot from CD.”
4. At prompt “Press any key to boot from CD” Press “Any key”
5. In the Windows XP Setup window, Press “Enter” to set up windows XP, (Don’t worry, this is a repair only, not a fresh install.)
6. At next window, Press “F8” to accept license agreement
7. Wait until windows displays your current version of XP and asks “To repair the selected windows XP installation press R”
8. Press “R”
9. Enter serial number when prompted.
10. Wait for files to be copied (PC will indicate 39 mins, it will take a lot less.)
11. When asked to adjust Regional language options, click “Next” as it is still set.
12. PC will re-boot.
13. If you have AVG Free, copy serial number to a file as you will lose it on repair. After repair a window will pop up asking how you want to treat AVG, Click repair and when prompted enter serial number.
14. Check to see if problem still exists.

passably a bad power supply in my opinion ,not enough power to finish the job ,usually the .5v wire fuggup.shorting out, whatever

I've noticed other somewhat similar problems being discussed but not exactly. The fans come on, the disc drives check, the lights flash on the keyboard but nothing else. no beeps. sometimes the monitor seems to be getting nothing from the computer. I've opened it up, checked all connections, tested the monitor with my laptop....what else can i do?

Thank you in advance.

try replacing memory first and if that dont solve it, I suggest downloading a copy of winxp on floppy from bootdisk.com to backdoor a suspected virus.

Thanks for the input. I'll let you know if anything works.

Thanks again!

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