I was running Windows ME with a 20gb HDD.. decided for an upgrade and got a 60gb hd to go along with the 20gb... now i got 80gb of space but all the Defult stuff is clogging up my 20gb hd... so i got xp and a nice clean install on to the 60gb hd and wiped out everything. Great!
I decided i wanted to try out linux since 60gb was enough space for my everyday aplications it would be cool to have linux on my 20gb to see how it is. Linux didnt run, just froze on me everytime i started it and i couldnt access my 60gb hd!! that had my windows XP on. I was worried that i have lost all my stuff off the 60 because of the linux install.
So just to be safe i took out the 60 (disconnected ide) and re-installed XP on to the 20gb. Now my computer is usable but without the space and without all my old stuff. Im on XP now on my 20gb and i connect my 60 to it as its running and it reconizes it. To my surprize all my First XP install is on there with all my stuff.
Great! now just swap the Master and Slave and reboot and it should work. But it doesnt.. it goes to thes Novell Netware and it cant find a boot.... (novell Netware came from linux some way or another)
The only way i can boot is if i disconnect the 60 and boot from the 20.
So i have 2 drives with 2 Windows XP installs (1 on each) i want the 60gb to boot and the other one to get erased.?
..... also when i boot anytime it takes a bit on startup before it goes into the Windows Xp load time... or goes to a Novell Netware.
EDIT: the linux was SuSE Linux 9.1 Personal