I am having major explorer error messages on this IBM 6564 and one message in particular that pops up and hangs up the entire computer.

It reads
then the computer stops responding. I have to manually turn it off, let it run scandisk and reboot into windows. I searched the registry for this message and cannot find it.

Can anyone give me some advice to get rid of this window message? If you can help me, I thank you for it.

I am having major explorer error messages on this IBM 6564 and one message in particular that pops up and hangs up the entire computer.

It reads
then the computer stops responding. I have to manually turn it off, let it run scandisk and reboot into windows. I searched the registry for this message and cannot find it.

Can anyone give me some advice to get rid of this window message? If you can help me, I thank you for it.

what are you doing when you get this message !
the messages has to do with you virus scanner !

First, thank you for your help.
Ran some diagnostic tests, Defrag, Scandisk, system file checker, the error messages are all gone. But this one didn't go away. It appears when shutting down and the computer refuses to shutdown after getting to the WIN 98 shutting down screen. It just sits there. Any thoughts how to get rid of it? Got a feeling this is why the system won't shut down.
Oh, I forgot, I manually turn off the computer to turn it off but it does not run scandisk when booting back up. It goes right into windows 98 with no problems or error messages. :rolleyes:

Try disabling you antivirus auto scanner before you go to shutdown computer ,see what happens .

Try disabling you antivirus auto scanner before you go to shutdown computer ,see what happens .

Thank you again, now, would you happen to know which one it is, this computer is using McAfee. Robin :rolleyes: :o

Thank you again, now, would you happen to know which one it is, this computer is using McAfee. Robin :rolleyes: :o

That would be the one, disable its auto protect ,haven't used it for years ,but i thing if you right click on the icon down by the clock you should be able to disable it there .
,then shut down the computer and see if it hangs !

That would be the one, disable its auto protect ,haven't used it for years ,but i thing if you right click on the icon down by the clock you should be able to disable it there .
,then shut down the computer and see if it hangs !

Thanks a bunch, do you guys/gals accept donations? I have seen some tech boards that do, and if you do, give me an addy and I will certainly make one. Happy Holiday Season to you. RobynWolf (http:\\www.geocities.com\Heartland\Shores\1009) :D :D

Thanks a bunch, do you guys/gals accept donations? I have seen some tech boards that do, and if you do, give me an addy and I will certainly make one. Happy Holiday Season to you. RobynWolf (http:\\www.geocities.com\Heartland\Shores\1009) :D :D

There useto be a link on the site for donations ,do see it now .
You could contact the Boss Lady [HeHeHe]

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