Each time I opened my Internet Explorer 6.0, the window doesn't not have the address bar, pull-down menu and short-cut icons in it. I am considering to re-install IE 6.0 if I cannot fix the problem. If I do this, will my bookmarks, cookies be gone with the installation?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Have you read similar threads in the IE forums

Yes, there is one --- but it doesn't help cos there is no solution.

Each time I opened my Internet Explorer 6.0, the window doesn't not have the address bar, pull-down menu and short-cut icons in it.

You may simply be in "full screen" mode, which hides a bunch of stuff to maximize the window. Try pressing the [F11] function key (full-screen toggle) with the IE window active and see what happens. It's a useful feature, but confusing if you don't know what's going on. This works for Mozilla/Netscape as well.

If that doesn't do it for you, go to the View menu and see if your Toolbars are disabled. Also, they can sometimes be minimized by mistake. This will turn them into small buttons residing in the left-hand side of the top bar area.

Hi Mike,
Thank you for your suggestion. Yes, you are true. I fixed the problem. Thanks a bunch.

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