Can get my hotmail from my outlook program with no problems but if I try to log into hotmail by if constatly clicks from one log on to another every half second.whats wrong

have you tried clearing your cache?

I can not open any message from hot mail if i tray to open it with Internet Explorer. When I tray it with Mozila it is working

Since yesterday, March 18, 2010, in my Hotmail account, I can no

longer eliminate unwanted messages. Is Hotmail experiencing

problems with their equipment, etc.? This phenomenon has

never occurred in the past. I can still send and receive

messages, but it takes about 1 minute for a message to be

transmitted after I hit the send button.Please reply to my e-mail account:

Thank you for any assistance.


Dennis P. Habern

Since yesterday, March 18, 2010, in my Hotmail account, I can no

longer eliminate unwanted messages. Is Hotmail experiencing

problems with their equipment, etc.? This phenomenon has

never occurred in the past. I can still send and receive

messages, but it takes about 1 minute for a message to be

transmitted after I hit the send button.Please reply to my e-mail account:

Thank you for any assistance.


Dennis P. Habern

Any reason you reported your own post?

it can be happened for technical problem

it can be happened for technical problem

An explanation of what kind of technical problem would be more helpful.

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