ok guys im running Windows xp sp2 i have a game called ootp9 and the blue screen of death mainly happens in this game when i try to load a file... the error is as follows...
blue screen with a bunch of crap...


stop: 0x000000d1 (0xe1ff0000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xefb61d50)

i have tried to download new drivers nothing seems to work... i reinstalled that game that doesent work either

i also seem to have a problem with my explorer.exe as when i try to restart or turn off the comp this takes forever to shut down... including sometimes when turning on the comp the bar will freeze on the bottom... is there a way to get this without reinstalling everything?

any help would be great... or step by step directions to repair would be a great help thank you

update chipset and graphics card drivers

i will give that a shot right now thanks for the help will come right back if it works or fails

new drivers installed and same problem....

nesxt time it BSODs it should say where the error is in e.g something.sys

are you using a logitech mouse?

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