Hey All,

I have been burning DVD's for some time. Let me correct that. I have been burning "coasters" for some time. The DVD's just pixelate and are distored and skip forward. My brother (who burns successfully) says it is the media. I bought some cheapo disks from SuperMediastore.com. Well today i just bought the same media he has been using today at best buy. TDK, I have been using these for my CD-R's they work great. Anyways I burned a movie (from the original) and it is all pixlated and skipping forward.

My dvd player is quite old though. So i am not sure if that is to blame? But the software i am using now is DVD shrink with NERO 6. Please help. I dont need anymore coasters.


What are the specs on your machine, your machine is probably really slow and can't keep up with the speed of the DVD burner let me ask you burning at 8x CD-R works? Let us know.

Hey All,

I have been burning DVD's for some time. Let me correct that. I have been burning "coasters" for some time. The DVD's just pixelate and are distored and skip forward. My brother (who burns successfully) says it is the media. I bought some cheapo disks from SuperMediastore.com. Well today i just bought the same media he has been using today at best buy. TDK, I have been using these for my CD-R's they work great. Anyways I burned a movie (from the original) and it is all pixlated and skipping forward.

My dvd player is quite old though. So i am not sure if that is to blame? But the software i am using now is DVD shrink with NERO 6. Please help. I dont need anymore coasters.



I moved the thread, as it was misfiled in the Adobe area. He may or may not have Windows 2000/NT/98 Nero isn't a Mac piece of software, so I stuck the topic here by default.


The software you are using works fine...
Probably the best combo for what you are doing...

Two problems to check...
Do the DVD's play in the PC?

If so then your older DVD player is to blame ...
Even ones that said they were compatible with dvd-r are not entirely...
I have one Panasonic here that does exactly what you are talking about.

I also use the cheapest discs I can find... Never a problem...

What are the specs on your PC ?
Is the DVD burner set as the master on the secondary IDE or as slave on Primary,,

How much free drive space and when did you last defrag...

Sorry Guy's for the lack of info.


Windows XP Pro
512 DDR mb ram
AMD athlon 2.6 ghz
MSI Motherboard 400 FSB
4X burner (optorite i think)
80 gig and 40 gig hardrives
ATI Radeon pro (not sure model but good one)

When i burn a cd-r with it it fly's fine. I just burned another coaster DAMN IT!

Thanks guys.

Sorry more info. Last defrag, yesterday before my last coaster. I beleive the DVD burner is the master. I could be wrong. What would you suggest having it set as?

I really thank you guys for all your help with this so far.

Vexor... Since your ONLINE at the moment...
Do your brothers dvd's play in your stand alone player?

What type of stand alone player is it?

The specs on your PC are fine...

Do your coasters play on your PC?
What speed are you trying to burn at?

You want it as master on your secondary IDE

Your DVD burning software does not show any errors correct ?

My brothers seemed to work fine. I have to be honest i have not played any of his DVD's in my player (he is a busy brother so i cant really have him burn me any). But they do work on our mothers. Which she has a cheap wal-mart knock off of my standalone. My player is a samsung combo (vcr and dvd). Not sure of the model#.

I have not tried to play the dvd's in my computer (that was dumb on my part)

The speed i burn them at is 4X.
No errors on the software. Just 100% CPU usage. The only correction from above. I used dvd decrypter, i have used the dvd shrink with the same results.


So your quest for the day is to beg, borrow or steal one of your brothers DVD.s and try it in your player to see if it is your player or the DVD...

Have you tried any of your coasters in your mothers machine?

Stick with DVD Shrink... I know it works very well especially with Nero...

Try a coaster in your PC to see if it plays...

Verify that your burner is on the secondary master....
Visable in the bootup info without opening the case....

Interesting... I borrowed my fiancee's portable DVD player. I played the coaster i burned last night that skipped all over in my standalone player. So i played varsity blues and it played fine! Even the spots where it was pixalated it wasnt on her player!

She has a Mintek DVD-1710

Weird. Does this sound like the player then? BEcause i never wanted to rule the player out since i bring my burnt dvd's to my friends house and it does the same thing. But come to think about it they all have old players.

I hope you did not throw out all of those coasters...

The odds are that they are all good working copies...

Yep, old players hate burnt DVD's

So they played on your girlfriends portable player...
I would imagine they will play on your PC as well...

The good news is you found the problem...

The bad news is you probably threw out a lot of good DVD's

The good news is those coasters took too much time and resources to do. So i kept them :). So i guess right now we will blame my dvd player. I will keep you updated So to sum up DVD Shrink and Nero are the dvd burning software to use?


The good news is those coasters took too much time and resources to do. So i kept them :). So i guess right now we will blame my dvd player. I will keep you updated So to sum up DVD Shrink and Nero are the dvd burning software to use?


I don't under stand why when you burn the dvd you don't just test them in you DVD burner ,as its also a dvd player.that should have come with windvd /or power dvd or some other dvd player software .also windows media player 10 will play the dvds'
when i burn a dvd i just pop it right back in and play it ,when it says burn finished and the tray opens !!

Sometimes the obvious elude us...

I got a good chuckle at this one...

Vexor, That is the software combo that I like and has worked great for me...
Use whatever combo works for you....

Thanks to all!!

The problem is Caperjack. Some of us are always busy and travel a lot. So "testing" is a luxary. This is the first time I have some spare time since I had brain surgery on my temporal lobe. Kinda gives you some time off of work. I dont have player software for my dvd drive in my pc. I will just download some.

Thanks Thong, Since you understand.

Thanks to all!!

The problem is Caperjack. Some of us are always busy and travel a lot. So "testing" is a luxary. This is the first time I have some spare time since I had brain surgery on my temporal lobe. Kinda gives you some time off of work. I dont have player software for my dvd drive in my pc. I will just download some.

Thanks Thong, Since you understand.

Yeah Right ! Hope you doing ok after the oprtation .

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