Hi all - Brand new to the site-

I am a video production company owner - and I have a great program for streaming my video on the web- Great... Now I want to be able to allow my clients to view thier videos offline by placing the files on a Cd- No problem-

The tech comes in here- the file to call the video is an HTML page- which if double clicked from the cd will run the page and all the components... the thing is I want an auto run file to allow the client to place the cd - and it starts automatically... I have gotten this far in the code- but the problem is t
that it is looking for the file on the net-

open="C:\program files\internet explorer\IEXPLORE.exe" 7182004.htm

can anyone help me to redesign the code so it reads the html page from the cd -drive?? thanks ahead of time for any and all responses!


Hello, I have a CD that opens a HTML file when it is loaded.

there are 2 files


autorun.inf contents:


autorun.bat contains:

@echo Lade "index.html"...
@start index.html

This seems to do the job on Windows machines and Linux machines.

By the way the index.html and cdrom.ico are in the same dir. as the autorun.inf and autorun.bat

hope this helps

SE (Dave)

this looks great- testing now- is it ok to use the 7182004.htm ... instead of index.html being that 7182004.htm is the name of the page to call... I am assuming yes...

Post reply soon on test - thanks Sheila!

this looks great- testing now- is it ok to use the 7182004.htm ... instead of index.html being that 7182004.htm is the name of the page to call... I am assuming yes...

Post reply soon on test - thanks Sheila!


No problem, gald it worked.

SE (Dave)

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