Hello folks. My problems began a few months ago when I got infected with spyware. Out of panic, I thought a quick fix might be to disable IE, so I wouldn't get bombarded with internet ads. I went into the IE folder and deleted a bunch of files. My spyware problems have since been resolved (not because of deleting IE). However, IE no longer works, as I would have expected. So I downloaded an IE explorer setup file, but when I try to the run the installation program, it says something to the effect that IE already exists and no need to install, so the installation stops at that point. How do I reinstall IE? Thanks much.


Just go to Add/remove windows components and remove internet explorer completely from there ... and then try reinstalling IE.

If that doesn't work (you may have deleted something which will cause problems with uninstalling) then doe a Refresh install of Windows. Be warned though that you''ll need to download and install Security updates again afterwards.

<Just go to Add/remove windows components and remove internet explorer completely from there ... and then try reinstalling IE.>

First off, many thanks for your tips. I'm now at the add/remove components area and its a little confusing. A components wizard window pops up, there is a list of programs below, and internet explorer is one of them. The command at the top of the window says "to add or remove a component, click the checkbox". Well I dont want to "add or remove" a component, I want to remove a component. Does clicking on the checkbox remove the component or add it? At the bottom of the window you can click on "next" complete to the components wizard, but I'm not sure what that means. Its pretty unclear how a component is removed here.

Click on it and all will become clear :D

<<Click on it and all will become clear >>

Ok, I clicked on the checkbox next to Internet Explorer. I assumed the next thing to do is click on "next", so I did, then it does a bunch of configuring, but I don't know whats going on.

Did you end up with any error message? Did you allow the procedure to complete?

Does Internet Explorer still work when you try to open it?

If all was successful, when you try to run Internet Explorer after removing it from Add/Remove Windows components you should get a pop-up box telling you to pop in your Windows CD so it can be installed. If your Windows setup files are stored on your hard drive, then the reinstallation might proceed by itself.

If none of this is occurring, you might have to install Windows over the top of itself, or perhaps even format and install fresh.

Deleting files from program folders is a really bad move, can cause major problem,s, and should be avoided at all costs!

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